Is 'A World Awoken' meta-achievement, along with its reward - Permanent?

So from what I’ve gleaned over various sources, it’s detailed that the achievement: Will still be earnable beyond the Dragonflight expansion - As it’s not a FoS achievement … However we do not currently have any ‘Official’ / blue post statement regarding the achievement, along with its reward.

The community council along with WoWhead commentary have speculated it’s staying, but obviously pointed out that there hasn’t been an official source as of yet indicating the information is solid or otherwise – So many are stressing out due to the conjecture & uneased by the whole ordeal.

  • Community Council Thread:
  • WoWhead Post:


I think it would be fantastic to NOT bind it towards a time-gated opportunity to have to flog out the achievements – As for many players, the FOMO achievements & challenges come across more as a ‘need-to-be-rushed’ chore than a fun list of challenges to complete or glorious heights to reach …

  • Although, I understand as we’re a society of many peoples — There’s those that disagree. That’s fine, each to their own; however upon my guildies, friends and I – We’d be much more at ease with the achievement & reward staying outside of a limited-time function.

Additionally, if either TWW isn’t really your thing, you need a break from the current expansion grind, something to bide your time whilst you wait for timers to reset (Weeklies, daily WQs, raids etc) — or the player has some finances to sort out still before they can purchase the following expansion after Dragonflight: They can kick back and work their way to the goal of their bestest (so far) fluffy boi Taivan. :blush:

Blue-Poster Clarity?

So, would we be able to politely get a :blue_heart: Blue-Post :blue_heart: indicating whether or not the meta achievement & reward are staying for the long-haul? … or if its indeed limited. :thinking:
Because so far the majority of websites on the subject, commentaries and overview to what’s available – Seem to fairly think it’s staying :person_shrugging:

:slight_smile: Feel free to discuss and speculate in the comments bellow

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Yes it will be, same way the shadowlands one is still available. Why remove Taivan when they kept the maw dragon?

That was retroactively returned with a new mount, but the Veilstrider title was not brought back:

Though I am leaning on this achievement remaining earnable as the Shadowlands “expansion meta achievement” was announced ahead of time (around it’s introduction, I believe) that it would be leaving when Dragonflight’s pre-patch or expansion launched; the same was not and has not been said of A World Awoken.


Precisely! :100:

— Exactly why I’d love if Blizzard could give some clarification or official statement regarding the matter, so people aren’t biting their fingernails on the edge for the truth of the situation.

The Shadowlands one originally gave a title and had to be earned before Dragonflights official launch. They brought it back and added the maw dragon mount to it when they brought in ‘A world Awoken’.

Because of that I doubt Blizzard would remove ‘A World Awoken’ when they activity brought back the Shadowlands meta but with a different reward.

Have you considered not doing that

I’m pretty sure blizzard confirmed that “A world awoken” will still remain obtainable after dragonflight when they brought back the Shadowlands “Back to the Beyond” with a new mount reward

Usually if something is going away by design, Blizzard would say that it is. Just like the mage tower appearances or the Veilstrider title from the original version of the Shadowlands Meta. Since they have not done so for ‘A world Awoken’, the assumed stance is that it is not going away when The War Within launches.

Wanting Blizzard to say that officially is kinda pointless when they have said nothing about doing the opposite.

Yes, but alas - Many of us unfortunately suffer from anxiety. :yum:

Keep in mind – This is Blizzard we’re talking about :joy:
Sometimes they’re vague and do things on whim - So providing an official few words or so would help give that sense of security to the players.

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I cannot even complete it due to that grimtusk’s net being locked to a world quest that I never see up. I will be furious if I lose all the time and struggle towards is due to a time limit. We need a blue post to reassure us that we did not waste our time for NOTHING.

Also cannot do one of the mythics because it is bugged and keeps teleporting my character out everytime I run in.

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Yeah that’s what I kept saying!

Personally given the time-gate on particular quests and requirements, I think keeping it would be ideal — Especially since most people are already under the pretense it’s staying.

Heck, even on WoWhead peeps are convinced its here for good. Honestly keeping it would be a good time-filler for those who can’t afford the next expansion yet, or if they simply want to do some older content for the rewards.

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I truly hope it does not go away, and by all indications it shouldn’t be.

But if it does and I don’t get the achievement solely because of the 3 time-gated achievements i have left (fishing hole spawns, into the storm, and daycare dailies) I will actually loseeeee my mind XD

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Would be a bit freaking late for Blizzard to come out NOW – and say:

  • “Oop, uuuh yeah it was limited time during DF — Sorry!”

When everyone is currently under the pretense that it’s staying …

I hope not as well, since I’m fairly close myself to getting the goodest of boi’s. :3 I just need to finish up one more reputation (Consortium, which is kinda slow since no one does personal orders anymore so I have to use the weekly missions to complete this) and two Across the Isles meta-achievements.

Like, I will no doubt start working towards the Expansion Meta Achievement for TWW when it launches, but I really hope this achievement remains available for not just us, but for new players who come in with the expansion and want to spend time in what is arguably my personal favorite expansion.

After several tickets I got this:

Hello Jazmyn !

Thank you for contacting Blizzard Entertainment. This is Game Master Praohohkai. I will be the one with your inquiry for today.

We apologize for taking such a long time to respond to your request. We’re receiving a tremendous number of queries and are working very hard to reduce the wait times.

I understand that you are contacting us regarding A World Awoken being able to be completed after the new expansion.

After going through everything and double-checking all the information regarding the challenge you are facing, Yes I can see that it will still be able to be completed after the expansion.

Thank you for being part of our World of Warcraft community, Jazmyn If you need any further assistance, feel free to reach out via a new ticket. Wishing you an amazing time.

Best regards,
Game Master Praohohkai
Blizzard Entertainment


A World Awoken was never announced tbh at it would leave. When introducing it, they also brought back the Shadowlands one with a new reward.

I would think the lack of announcement and reintroduction of a previous expansion’s meta was clear it would not be going away.

I hope these metas are the new norm. I really like having world stuff to work on throughout the expansion.

It also felt really nice being almost done the DF one when it was introduced. Felt like I could rest easily for the repeat season.