Is 60hz possible on a 75hz monitor?

Hi all,

I want to cut my gpu some slack because it gets loud sometimes… Last summer I bought a 2560x1800 75hz monitor to go with my 1660 3go, and now I think that I would be wise to switch to 60hz to lower my framerate. I wonder if it’s recommended to do so because 75hz is probably what the monitor expects, and I would probably need some tips on how to do so because I looked into my monitor’s settings and the option to use 60hz is nowhere, but I know where to look in Windows, so I wonder if my OS can force the change.


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found a reddit thread with some info:

basically, if your card can do freesync turn it on… i think

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Yes it’s possible. I have a 75hz Monitor that… weridly defaults itself to 60hz unless i make it a custom resolution in the Nvidia control panel.

But yes, it’s possible.

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Cool, it is done and my gpu is sooooo much quieter now, it’s a big relief. I thought there would be more steps necessary but a simple switch in Display settings did the trick.

Thanks all.