Better then 32 gb ddr4 3200? Running a amd 5800x with a 6900xt. Just wondering go with faster ram or more ram.
Literally a full discussion of your question.
More capacity is always better IMO opinion, though.
More memory (the gigabytes one) is always better then simply having more memory frequency for ram.
It’s also worth nothing that the 3200 or 3600 bit your talking about is the overclocked memory frequency. Akin to the turbo clock speeds on CPU or GPU. I can confirm that because i have 64 (4x16) GB DDR4 3200 MHZ, and all are at 2400 mhz by default.
More RAM is always better if you’re actually making use of it.
Except memory is one of the easiest things to add later.
And if you aren’t memory capped having extra adds nothing.
That said the difference between 3200 and 3600 is negligible, if your chip can even run at 3600, AMD is technically only rated up to 3200.