Crossed my mind; isn’t Undercity technically ready for release?
I didn’t think so, but after seeing the state in which Bel’ameth and Gilneas were released, and considering Alliance have gotten 2 cities now and the Horde 0, we might get Undercity.
Undercity itself technically didn’t take much physical damage, it was just blighted.
Considering the blight is gone now, can’t everyone just move back in?
My only other guess for 10.2.6, if not Undercity…
We’re going to Tel’abim 
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We’re rehabbing the above ground portions with rustic beams and shiplap, to remind everyone that the influence of Joanna Gaines is also a form of blight.
Given that they’ve added back two racial capitals in one mini-patch, it’s certainly possible that they could be planning to do more.
Maybe the poor gnomes can be after Undercity.
Maybe Undercity was taken over by the Bloodsail Buccaneers. Would explain the pirate flag associated with 10.2.6.
I can’t see how it couldn’t be pirates, but apparently Ybarra tweeted “no pirates” at some point…
Could also be him trying to throw us off the trail, but thats pretty cheesy/low effort lol
Context/Correction Edit
If it’s not neutral like they made Gilneas I’m going to cause an international incident.
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my money’s on the quillboar. skull is for the undead, people are just mistaking it for a pirate flag.
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That was well before Blizzcon, in response to people speculating that the next expansion would be pirates, which we now know it’s definitely not.
if you did the quests, the lordaeron part is a hostile horde zone, instead of neutral gilneas and amirdrassil
The Alliance has to reclaim all those cities and territories before we can get Undercity back nice and proper. Next up I’d wager is Gnomeregan.
Here here, if we have to share two of our faction capital so should the Horde!
Yeah, I think the Horde and Alliance work together and drive cement trucks over to fill it all in with concrete.
Then we bulldoze Lordaeron down and the undead build a techno castle where the rave party never stops.
Everyone is invited. Bring your friends, bring your enemies, bring them all. Get this party started

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