Irreversible damage

If its just that then fine but anything else then wow as a story is dead to me.

If you’ve been sitting on Nefarian’s head for a while as Alliance then now is the time folks

(not aimed at you)

As in the references to the disgraced team members? Tbh I didn’t know there was an Afrasiabi NPC until this whole hospital fire of a situation came to light.

I would honestly think altering the references wouldn’t be a huge undertaking, and even then removing a symbol of a problem isn’t actually addressing the problem.

This is so vaguely worded and such a nothing gesture I really don’t know why they bothered mentioning it.

I think it’s a product of an internal conversation that has had. This is a small, easy ask that can be acted upon. Bottom of the list for the survivors, but an action that can be taken.

True. It is certainly something but really I would’ve thought references to serial abusers would’ve been removed forthwith and sans ceremony.

Just an odd thing to share. And it’s vague enough that I feel a lot of people are understandably concerned about what they mean. My mind first jumped to Garrosh’s cleaned up dialogue, that just reads weird now because telling someone to watch their clever mouth doesn’t really come off as inherently insulting.

I do appreciate this as a gesture in the right direction. It’s just, weirdly worded and I’d hope would go without saying.

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It’s probably not as easy as changing the “Abuser” variable in the ini from 1 to 0

Renaming the NPC and changing its appearance can’t be that hard. We can do that to our PCs.

How is it not now?

Ask my therapist.

That’s a really big yikes considering the RL issues going on in Ivrine right now.

Bobby responded

He threw the entire exec team who said anything so far under the bus:

Our initial responses to the issues we face together, and to your concerns, were, quite frankly, tone deaf


Must be losing money.

stocks are down 7% today. We’ll see if it has real impact as time goes on.

I’ve had my share of horrible things happen to me IRL and I stand by what I posted. It wasn’t something I accepted overnight though for sure.

  1. Employee Support. We will continue to investigate each and every claim and will not hesitate to take decisive action. To strengthen our capabilities in this area we are adding additional senior staff and other resources to both the Compliance team and the Employee Relations team.
  2. Listening Sessions. We know many of you have inspired ideas on how to improve our culture. We will be creating safe spaces, moderated by third parties, for you to speak out and share areas for improvement.
  3. Personnel Changes. We are immediately evaluating managers and leaders across the Company. Anyone found to have impeded the integrity of our processes for evaluating claims and imposing appropriate consequences will be terminated.
  4. Hiring Practices. Earlier this year I sent an email requiring all hiring managers to ensure they have diverse candidate slates for all open positions. We will be adding compliance resources to ensure that our hiring managers are in fact adhering to this directive.
  5. In-game Changes. We have heard the input from employee and player communities that some of our in-game content is inappropriate. We are removing that content.

Full list of the current short term/immediate plan.

Curiously similar to my third post in this thread :stuck_out_tongue:

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ok bye. Enjoy FF14.

I believe you. I’d actually like a source tho not in a snarky way because I cant find that letter. The only mentions I’ve found were him basing then off the goblins from another writer. That said it wasnt just mongols.

Uh yeah you lost most people there. Don’t think you’ll be missed.