Irrational Decision [H-Zuljin] is an AOTC focused raiding guild but willing to dip into some mythic if permissible. Formed in January of 2018, we prefer to push our limits but in a casual way. Since then, we have hit 5/11M 11/11H in Antorus, 2/8M 8/8H in Uldir and 9/9H 2/9M in BoD.
Current Status
The end of BoD and beginning of CoS really showed us who we weren’t, a cutting edge mythic progression guild. That being said, a lot of the raid roster has been cleaned out, we are wanting to go back to our casual roots. We are in the process of rebuilding to find similar skilled players with same tier goals. We hope to have a good solid roster come 8.2.
When do we raid?
We raid Tuesday/Wednesday from 11:00PM to 1:10am SVT with a 10-minute break. We may form a group, attendance not required, on Thursdays if a progression kill is on the fringe. After that, players are allowed to pug their way further if they would like for the week; you getting a kill or more gear will only help us progress further.
What’s the guild atmosphere like?
We’re a laid-back group who likes to have a good time killing raid bosses. Jokes and ball busting are allowed. We also know when to get serious and focus up on a possible boss kill. If you are wanting to give out jokes, you must be able to take them as well. All jokes aside, our biggest rule is NO racism/harassment. We are all adults who may drink, smoke, have kids, married, etc. In the end some maturity is expected
What are we looking for?
We’re looking for exceptional players who can produce good parses per ilvl (60+%) all while being able to show up consistently to our short schedule. Currently we have openings for all positions (1 tank spot, some healing, and all dps).
Where can you apply?
Please fill out our brief google form found here and one of us will be in touch!
You can also add me on Bnet: Scriptxor#1213, but incase I am not around at that exact moment it’s easier if you fill out the app.