Ironforge Reputation

I’ve done all quests in Loch Modan, the Wetlands, and Dun Morogh… I don’t know where else to get this reputation. I read on WoWhead that the southern barrens were a place to get such reputation, I found none. I am only a few hundred reputation away, too. Could someone point me in the right direction?

Wear it in dungeons, get rep for each kill. They have them for all the classic reputations, vendors are by city flight masters.


Grab an Ironforge tabard. Head to a dungeon.

I think Mechanar is a good dungeon to do for rep with the tabard on.


Is there a maximum of how much XP I can get with it a day or something? I just ran two dungeons and received no reputation. I had in a few other dungeons, but.

Go run BC dungeons. Shadow Labs is really good for grinding rep.

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There is not. Some dungeons don’t award rep when wearing the classic tabards, like the wrath dungeons because they had their own rep tabards. (At least they used to not - I have no idea if that’s been updated)

Also Botanica in Netherstorm.


So, I should travel to these dungeons and solo them? Forgive my ignorance. :slight_smile:


Yep like others have said, put on the ironforge tabard. Then run an old dungeon, one you can solo quickly like the Botanica in Netherstorm. Clear the dungeon, leave dungeon, right click your portrait and reset the dungeon, rinse/repeat until you are exalted.

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If you’re just a few hundred short, I’d just pop into Stockades in Stormwind and clear it. You get like 250 or so for a boss kill and it should max out around level 30.

This is my go-to rep grinding dungeon. Love the exit at the end instead of retracing steps.


Not correct. Just ground gnomer rep from revered to exalted in Wotlk dungeons the past hour or so.

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They work there now? Good to know, thanks. Been a very long time since I did the tabard reps.

storm crystals in AV give alliance rep
last i checked…few years ago…

this right here is the easiest way to get the old reputations up. if I decide to go hard at it I can grind a rep up to exalted in a (long) afternoon just runnng botanica till my eyes bleed.

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Well, I reached exalted thanks to you guys. I really appreciate all of the advice. As you can tell, I’m a bit of a newb when it comes to grinding old reputations. But, I want that heritage armor. Now I’m on my way! Thanks!


my allied race alts got their Ironforge rep primarily by doing the cooking and fishing daily quests, but this was before the squish patch.

I just do all the BC dungeons as heroic. It shoots me up there pretty quick towards exalted and just wait another day to finish.