Ironforge Portal Please

The portal already exists. It’s just hidden away behind another portal. It wouldn’t be drastically changing the game to move it to the portal room where it belongs.

The loading screen thing is something I’m surprised doesn’t get pointed out more often. We went from having two massive seamless continents and loading screens being a rarity to 5 gorillion smallish islands and every other thing being instanced with loading screens being more common than water. For me that huge seamless world feature was one of the biggest advances from single player games, but here we are today regressing to just one step removed from loading screens at zone boundaries.

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There’s already interesting ways to get quickly between the two that don’t take much time.

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Agreed. It would be great to see more variety of transport like this in the game.

Blizzard wants you to see more of their beautiful game and thus you are forced to use the tram and zeppelin. But the real reason is they couldn’t slow down travel everywhere to waste your time, but seeing as the tram and zeppelin are still operational it’s the perfect avenue for blizzard wasting your time.

Yeah i don’t actually dislike the tram. I just wish that IF/TB didnt get left out of the portal room