(Whitemane) <IRONFIST> [Horde | PvP | NA CST | Tues/Thur/Sun 8 - 1030pm | DKP]

Hello there, I’ll try to make this short and sweet. IRONFIST is an adult guild, and that means we understand you have family, work and a life that take precedence outside of WoW. IRONFIST does not penalized members when they cannot dedicate every available second to the guild. As a matter of fact, the time you have to play videos games are precious, and for that reason, IRONFIST created a no-troll policy. You as a player are probably like the rest of our members, you get online and play video games to relax and have fun. You do not have time to put up with those “1337 keyboard warriors” who would rather spend their time being an troll than a useful member of the community. So, those trolls, yea we kick them…

A few things to note:

Server: IRONFIST will be playing on the US-West server name Whitemane.

Raids: We raid on Tuesday and Thursday from 8-10:30pm CST we have a clean up raid on Sundays. Sunday’s raid time is TBD by the raid leader that week depending on members interest and weekly progression.

Loot: We use a modified Zero-sum DKP with an out of raid earning. This system allows you to earn a small amount of DKP each week by completing “Guild Quests”. These quests are posted in our Guilded and Discord areas.

Communication: Like most guilds now days we use Discord for our communication. We also have a Guilded site that is used for raid sign-up and additional DKP tracking.

I could talk your ear off with tons of other reasons why you should join IRONFIST, however, I think it would be easier for you to see for yourself and join our discord: www.ironfist-gaming. com (that link will bring you directly to the discord, due to trust levels you will need to copy and paste into your browser.)

Any other questions, ask here or ping us on discord!


How many people from bfa will be coming over to classic from the guild? And are the gms going to be running both guilds?


Hey there, our BfA guild is more of a hang out spot for our members who still wish to Play WoW: Retail. We do not actively recruit and have not since BfA first came out. We have around 40+ members who will be joining us for WoW: Classic currently.


Currently planning out leveling groups for leveling through the content in the first week (not mandatory by any means) so if you are looking for some leveling buddies, we are non-discriminatory.

When it comes to raiding, we are “business casual” (serious but not to the point of hard core, we like to have fun)

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I love that - business casual! Will there be organized PvP as well as raiding?


Tons of PvP will be had. We have a rapid response group for leveling, the members who signed up will be assisting other members being ganked/camped. After the leveling is completed, we will have city raids, BGs, WPvP events etc. The cool thing is some of these, since they are guild events, will offer DKP for current tier for the members who join!


Any particular classes you’re looking for?


Interested, was a horde Shaman back in the day. Would like to try my hand at Warrior this time


Hey there! Why don’t you head over to the discord and chat, many will be around tonight for the stress test


Discord is the best way to meet the members and really see what we are about. There is chatter there at all times of the day and people playing games while also looking for more to join their adventures!


Do you know what server you all will be playing on?

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We are in discussing right now and are going to officially announce tomorrow to the guild. We are waiting on our community vote along with streamer decisions.


Ok we have officially chosen and announced today that we will be playing on the US-East server, Faerlina.


Yes, Faerlina is the official server. If you are up in the air on servers, you should really consider this one. Because we will be on it!

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Update: Whitemane will be our server, due to streamers hitting Faerlina


Preist and Warlock here looking for a guild. Vanilla/TBC experience but haven’t played in years. Wondering if there would be some room. Our current characters are created on Faerlina.

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Always room, we are going to be on Whitemane but basing our times around Central.

If you have any questions, feel free to hit-up our discord

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What a rollercoaster ride! Well since 18 of the top streamers decided to roll Faerlina, we made the call to move over to Whitemane. Sorry for any confusion with the above posts!

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I have a group of 4 I play with, 2 warriors, priest, warlock if you are still recruiting.


If you are looking for a Prot Warrior, I plan to have my toon on the same server. Looking for an adult guild, some socializing, fun times in pve & pvp.