<Irie> now recruiting

Server 8 progression
Multiple undying runs

Raid times: Tuesday & Thursday 7:30pm - 10:30pm EST

We are a hardcore and achievement focused raiding guild for WotLK with a core made up of 6/6 pre-nerf SWP raiders. We plan to push our limits of progression, parsing and speed while still maintaining an enjoyable raid atmosphere.

Raiders are expected to listen to instruction and adapt on the fly, actively gear themselves outside of raid hours, show up to raid with proper consumables and push themselves to improve week by week.

We use a combination of Loot Council/Loot List

Currently Irie is recruiting the following classes for the main raid. We plan to start doing split/alt raids after the initial progression for ulduar. We are currently seeking the following classes:

Shadow priest

Affliction warlock

If you are a strong player of any class or role we encourage you to apply if you feel like this is a good match for you. Fill out an application or reach out to myself if interested and I will be in touch

Contact Info

Bnet: scootZ#12320
Discord: scootZ#5556

Discord: abalam#9621

Our logs: classic.warcraftlogs. com/guild/us/mankrik/irie

Bump. Looking for:

Shadow priest


unholy dk