I find The Stonescaled curious and interesting as a villain. At first sight someone can believe that Iridikron is just a brute, a giant proto-dragon (a more primitive, savage and, usually, less inteligente dragon) made of stone (an element that usually embodies strength, patience, hardness, slowness), the simple villian with simple plans who just use they raw power to get what they want, but what we know about him?
We know Iridikron made terrible bargains with someone or something to destroy the Aspects and the Titans’s touch in the world (and its the most fanatic about this), but we dont know if the deal is over or still going, so maybe there is a third player in all this thing.
The Aspects fear his “hunger”, but what is his hunger? He has cannibalistic tendencies like Galakrond? His hunger is so insatiable it will consume the world? Or maybe is more like “a hunger for power”, the desire to control all and do what he wants?
He is no fool. He was the last Incarnated to be sealed, and as we saw in the “Secrets of the Reach” he knows that they are more powerful than the Aspects, yet the Aspects has more allies, and acting rashly and without thinking, as Fyrakk seems to do, could lead to their defeat.
So, he has a plan: using the Shadowflame (magic that combine fire and void, typical of black dragons; a flame that cuts through flesh, burns beyond its extinction and whispers to you, at least according to Sabellian) that fuels Neltharion’s Lab: Aberrus. But for what? and How? We dont know for what, but for now we know that Iridikron will send Fyrakk to Zaralek Cavern (10.1 new zone) and command him to bath in that power, get imbued by it, to get more powerfull, and thats the curious part: why only Fyrakk? Why not him or Vyranoth too? He knows about the void part of the Shadowflame and the possible corruption that this entails? Is he testing the power of the Shadowflame in Fyrakk before using it on him? Or maybe he wants to use Fyrakk as a weapon, or maybe super charged meal (again, he can a cannibal like Galakrond).
So, what you think about Iridikron? What you think his plan can be? The Shadowflame is just part 1 of his plot or maybe is plan A and he has a lot of plans in mind?
I like him, i think he is a villain that is both, intelligent and strong, and thats great. I hope we see whats Iridikron’s hunger is, because its the first thing they tell us about Iridikron and it seems important as Nozdormu mentioned and Alextrasza was disgusted by it.
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If Iridikron is full earth and not flesh underneath, all we need is some gyreworms, and he can be eaten alive. They are known to eat earth elementals.
Not enough for me to care as of yet.
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Fair enough haha, we need more information and content of the Incarnates.
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I get the feeling iridikron is going to be either the big bad of this expansion, or someone that will last into later ones. The fire and ice dragons seem kinda like his henchmen and will likely die sooner or later.
Yes, Fyrakk is a hot-head and Vyranoth looks like the most calm/passive of the Incarnates; surely one or both will die in 10.2.
It would be nice to see a villain that stays more than 1 expansion alive (like Gul’dan did)
My tinfoil hat theory is that we aren’t going to kill Iridikron this expansion. Whatever the big bad is going to be, Iridikron will decide it’s smarter to team up with us to defeat it. A temporary truce, somewhat like the one between Chromie and Eternus.
I have no evidence to back this up.
The popular theory is Vyranoth looks the most redeemable. Maybe we can really judge that on how the situation of the Sundered Flame following her. 
edit: Perhaps a damsel if the Sundered Flame use the visage form detenting nets.
The aspects say that Iridikon is desperate, which makes him dangerous.
I’m not entirely convinced that the Obsidian Oathstone we recreated is equal to the real thing, and the thing that Iridikon grabs in Forbidden Reach when he brings up that statue is the real one.
It almost feels like Iridikon will somehow seize titan powers for himself, become like Deathwing, and end up impaled on Wyrmrest Temple like we saw in End Time.
Could this transformation be the thing that makes Nozdormu become Murozand?
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He’s nothing more than a loot piñata like the rest of them.
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Given all the ways we’re seeing dragons be powered up ( elements, order etc etc ) I kinda imagine he’d be a rocky shell for an old god to chill out in
Yuh it was me the Titans are lame Elementals are better.
It’s still going for as long as the Titan stain lingers.
Yuh there is me as I said 
Hunger for vengeance against the Aspects of course 
Btw this all totally true and not made up yup I’m totally the secret master mind behind all of this 
Raszegeth was Cobra Commander kicking a puppy.
Lets keep our expectations a bit tempered.
For all we know it could just be “I had to use the void to prevent a bigger… a bigger… threat… cosmic… THE FRACTALS… uhhhhhh…”
Tainted by void that is gonna try to bring on Murozond, Azshara, or N’zoth[or some other [NEW??] old god].
leave it to wow forum posters to have the most cringy speculation in gaming.
myself included but i have the best ones like anduin and sylvanas getting together
I’m just keeping it real, cringe is Steve Danuser’s domain lol
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The amount of simping for Iridikron is crazy to me.
hes the coolest character wow added since legion illidan
No heckin shot.
Sire Denatharius was added in Shadowlands and is way cooler. They literally made a Hearthstone expansion that revolves around Sire Denatharius.
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