Iridikron end goal Theory

Just a warning: possible 10.1.5 spoilers!

Hey folks! With the reveal of the next mega dungeon and iridikrons position in it, I thought we might have gotten the first glimpse of Iridikrons overall plan to gain dominance! He is the fourth boss of the eight boss dungeon, right in the middle! And a very important aspect of his boss room is that we fight him right next to the defeated galakrond.

Now the theory! I believe that iridikron is attempting to use the infinite flight to gain access to galakrond, so that he can eat him. We know that galakrond became what he did by eating other protodrakes, giving him mutations and even the ability to raise undead to serve him. Iridikron was around to know this! I believe he will succeed on some level and the fight itself will end with him getting away.

This also ties into the themes around iridikron, hes taken nasty bargains and is willing to risk himself for power, when first spoken about we even heard about his ‘hunger’.

Additionally, where the story has fallen heavily on the dragons learning from the past, we have had the incarnates embrace it. Razzy broke out the other incarnates to return the world to its elemental roots. The black flight has just now finally let go of their legacy, but fyrakk has fully embraced shadowflame, he is now made up of the same stuff that deathwing was!

It is my belief that this trend will continue, though I am unsure how the frost incarnate will be included. It just strikes me as a very blizzard thing to do, to build up stronger flights while having the incarnates begin to mirror their darkest moments and fears.

The expansion itself screams that its going to return the aspects power, with the second coming of Tyr. But how can we have a second Dawn of the Aspects without a second Galakrond?

Thanks for reading!

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That’s a great shot as we know about his hunger and dark bargain though the dungeon is still very vague on his goals.

possible spoiler

So far it appeared Iridikron is using an artifact with Void energy to bring the giant to life while the Infinite Dragonflight are corrupting Tyr. Assuming this creates that Ulderoth world.

Galakrond is using a void artifact to bring himself back to life? O.o

Actually Iridikron just wanted the Void Artifact for an unknown purpose and in order to prevent the Infinite Dragonflight from corrupting Nozdormu into Murozond we had to let him take it but in order for us to know that we had to inadvertently let Nozdormu’s transformation into Murozond happen the first time around before looping back to where the event happened and instead choose to ignore Iridikron.

The 2 Timelines are a loop once resolved has us continue in our own Timeline victorious. The Nozdormu from our present is not the one corrupted but it is instead the Nozdormu from the past.

Says a lot that not only did Aman’Thul knew enough about Murozond’s existence and fate enough to point out his demise but also neglected to mention that the Nozdormu he himself is talking to is not the one destined to become Murozond but the Nozdormu from an AU that Aman’Thul witnessed getting defeated by us and the Bronzes.

Yes that means that 5 Players take down Iridikron the first time around so he clearly needs that Void Artifact in order to even be a threat unlike Fyrakk. He’s as pitiful as Sarkareth honestly! If it weren’t for the Infinites own meddling drawing away our attention he would have been dead by now!

At least Vyranoth held back away from the danger and Fyrakk is so powerful he isn’t even at risk. Iridikron has no such excuse and rushed into danger despite being pitifully weak!

corrected that, sorry.