Ion's pre-corruption release interview, how did it hold up?

Let’s get back in to a time machine and see some of Ion discussed what Blizzards vision was for the Corruption system and see if he was on the mark or way off. What are your thoughts?

Question: Aren’t you afraid that Corrupted gear could be even more RNG than Warforged and Titanforged items?

Answer: "We don’t think so, no.

There’s effectively a limit on how many Corrupted pieces you can wear, because of the nature of the Corruption stat itself — unlike Warforging and Titanforging where it affected ultimately every single piece of gear you were wearing except for your Azerite Armor.

We expect most players to wear only a small handful of Corrupted items, and there are going to be a number of regular sources of Corrupted gear, including the weekly Mythic+ chest.

We’d like to get back to a place where when you kill a Mythic raid boss and you get a piece of Mythic raid gear, you can feel confident that that is as good as that piece could be, in terms of its raw power.

It might have avoidance or some extra stat on it, but beyond that the item level is the item level, so by and large, players should have much more control over the fates of their characters and how things play out over the course of the expansion.

You’ll see many more Corrupted items than you can use, which gives you the ability to choose which combination you want to wear at a given time."

So given warlocks in my guild were progging Mythic Nzoth with 420 blue rings with Expedient 3 on it, I don’t think Ions was accurate at all.


Maybe it’s just me, but I think we might be seeing some uncanny parallels in the future :thinking:


Oh yeah, absolutely. I look forward to doing the same thing in 9.3 about what Ions vision was for covenants.


Corruptions were a good idea in theory. The thing is that some corruptions are so absurdly strong that they may as well be titanforges. If corruptions were decently balanced, they would’ve worked out pretty well.


NOPE. They went and made most of the raid gear horrendously badly-itemized for most specs.

“Covenants were a good idea in theory. The thing is that some covenants are so absurdly strong that they may as well be titanforges. If covenants were decently balanced, they would’ve worked out pretty well.”

Scary how well they works by changing corruptions to covenants.

Which is basically the same argument over Covenants. They won’t be balanced.


Crazy, replacing Corruption with Covenant in what you said is basically what we’re dealing with right now :laughing:



So, what exactly is out of line?

Most of your slots initially (before the absurd levels of resistance and the vendor) were uncorrupted items.

This is contrary to titanforging where you wanted every single item titanforged as high as possible.

They would have worked out fine if they tuned the damage proc numbers better and raised the costs of the secondary stat ones more.

People stacking 7 +12% secondary stats are what are breaking the game right now. Why? Because they are super cheap. They should have doubled or tripled the corruption cost of them. That’s how fire mages are so broken.

Let me know when you’re not being invited to groups because your covenant does 50% less dps than someone else’s covenant. I’ll be here.

It could be 10% and people won’t invite you because it’s in the group makers best interest to make it easy as possible to time the key. There is a big incentive to time a key.

Let’s be honest here, DPS is replaceable there is so many of you. I can wait five minutes and have 30 dps queue up for my +15. Why would i take someone who does 10% less damage?

You are very wise beyond your years. Namaste. :thinking:

Ralph will avoid this thread because his lord and saviour, the lead developer Ion was shown to have no idea how this new addition to the game would work.

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So you concede that covenants won’t be remotely like corruptions, and you’ll also be denying people on the basis of their covenant. :joy:

Ralph will also avoid it because he doesn’t engage with me anymore. He brought up mythic raiding in an attempt flex and got shut down so hard I think he blocked me.

Yes? I was absolutely decline non guildies to keys if they are the wrong covenant.


That’s pretty shameless elitism. Good luck with that!

No problem, toxic systems need to be dealt with toxicity.


1 slot away from being fully corrupted. just a few more weeks of resist to go. ;D

LOL ilvl no longer mattered. certain items people would drop even to 420 for the corruption effect.

at least with the vendor it kind of goes back to the mythic gear with the right corruption being the best. but even still a 420 with the right corruption is better than a single mythic item. there are videos of people actually building such gear combinations.

but if by that the goal was for corruptions to always be what players feel confident is the best item then yes. GG corruption>stats>effects>slot>ilvl

while ilvl isn’t the factor here, with the vendor this is more or less true now. players can build their character any way they want. and that is great.

the down side is, i have more duplicate items and more slots of gear than ever before to have those combinations. back when there was just gear needed for each spec you could at least get away with having only one of each item per spec. many of which were universal between specs. maybe one alt set for pvp.

Blizzard. you are doing this again with more legendary items in Shadowlands… PLEASE GIVE US MORE BAG SLOTS. at least enough extra to hold all the legos.

one nice thing about corruptions. there is more than one right build depending on what you are aiming for and for what content.
Tank DPS for example might be Twilight Devastation
Survival might be Verse
pvp Might use a combination of verse procs and leech *saw a video.
or maybe infinite stars for 1v1. even without the 1 shot 600+ corruption being a thing any more it can stack up over a few min fight. and that still allows for ~300+ corruption of it before resistance.

and then we have the speed build Mages and locks going full auto blast with ~1 second Gpies and Chaos Bolts.

or there are Mastery builds for harder hits.

you can certainly build a wrong answer but each class has more than one right answer. very interesting. just, too bad RNG tends to win out on the Damage side.


I bet it holds up as well as the WoD announcement at Blizzcon in 2013.