Ion's pre-corruption release interview, how did it hold up?

For someone who has hated lots of these systems. I’m surprised you still put up with it. Slimy attitudes like yours OP is what is wrong with this games’ community. Wish you’d take your band of merry men and go play Valorant or some garbage game.

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I take my band of merry men and kill bosses. Thanks for your input though!

were not going anywhere silly. we adapt … we just dont adapt quietly.

I love how aggressive people get when they can’t understand you can enjoy something but still be critical of it.

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imagine spending your time on a forum trying to convince someone else to stop playing a game

thats not toxic?

Attacks the OP and then says the OP’s attitude is what is wrong with the community. O.o?


Should have been useable in the raid only. Pvp and dungeons were ruined further. Worst last patch ever.

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Seems that any time they try to add unique effects to gear that ilevel stops being relevant. Sockets (especially on jewelry), azerite traits, corruptions, even tier sets back when they couldn’t WF/TF still obviously gotten taken, but it was kind of like an outlier of “Oh yeah this stuff can’t WF so whatever.” Then again they eventually let tier upgrade anyways.

You want ilevel to matter stop trying to create “interesting” items by allowing additional power effects to roll on them.

How is it elitism to want to bring the best available options to your own key?

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Usually if you can’t differentiate the why’s and the reason then just ask. My bringing up OP’s attitude vs the games- community attitude are apples and oranges.


What good is an upgrade when it stacks a debuff?

Useless devs.

WoW endgame is too much work, I am just here for the story. Delete corruptions and covenant abilities please.

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You didn’t just “bring up his attitude”, you were hostile, toxic, and recommended he played a different game, but I am sure HIS attitude is the problem.

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