Ionar one shotting everyone in TW

Guess there is no point in starting my warrior alt now.

It’s bugged, tough guy.


Wouldn’t it amusing if the bosses in retail Tw Wrath this week were “copy and pasted” from classic where we have an extra 10 levels of stats? (70 in retail vs 80 in classic)

Hasn’t WOTLK timewalking been in the game for a long time now? How did they manage to suddenly break it when nothing changed?


I blame Dave from accounting.



We encountered the same problem. If you still keep the trinket Beacon of the Beyond in your bag, I would like to suggest equipping and using it in phase 2 before bliz fixing it. We made it in 2nd try.

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I’m at work for another 2 hours…guess I know to not try to do timewalking tonight. LOL.

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That’s what I’m thinking too. :dracthyr_heart:

My prot set tanks it without a scratch, tell your tanks to git gud :stuck_out_tongue:

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Even with full BiS Timewalking prot pally gear (Azerite, HoA, Rank 15 Cloak, 45% vers trinket) GoAK, and AD up I got one shot for 12.9k


Nonono, it’s Salzman from accounting.

2 out of the 5 dungeons are bugged. Only Ionar is ‘unbeatable’. Theres still 2 bosses before you get to him.
The trees in Nexus might be able to be worked around. (enough stunning/debuff so they cant reflect?)
I say go for it still, I know I will!

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Guess I’m just built different


I think it made it more fun tbh.

I was playing with a dps and healie friends. I was laughing each time. not sure bout them. but the tank bailed and after a replacement bear got roasted we were able to requeue so did that instead.

No, you’d be one shot too.

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Nah man, I can do it

Alright, let’s que together.

It’s crazy how bad this game is in terms of bugs and issues that never get fixed and are introduced without testing.