Ion: "We hear you!" Class Design Being Fixed in 9.0?

It’s a bit more complicated than saying no catchup gear should be available. I’m all for catchup gear. I’m not sure this is the place to argue again about that.

The problem right now is that catchup isn’t catchup gear, it’s actually a gearing system that compete with other systems, letting you get heroic ilvl+with titanforging from content that you can’t even fail. Catchup gear should let you in the door of content, not remove most rewards/incentives from it.


would love to see this and maybe people would actually take it to heart and work together on this issue.


Pruning wasn’t great, MoP was the most fun because players were able to do things - now we can only do what is “allowed” by the class and the rotations are set and limited.

The artifact returned some of it, but BfA lost that and it really provided shade to the concept - its not great. Love to see more options in every classes playstyle and capability. The term “homogeneous” was used as a negative in reflection to MoP, however if you actually did PvP then, it was pretty fun. Disarms, dispells, … options… more fun.


Kudos for him finally admitting what a lot of people have been saying since alpha/beta.

Renewed some hope on my end they can get it together. At this point, 9.0 better be rocking.

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I have a feeling 9.0 is going to be significantly better than the past 3 expansions. This is the first expansion where the complaints about all of these systems we’ve seen since WoD such as expansion-specific systems (and class design since MoP) have been complained about the most. Things are going to be very different in the next expansion.


no damage. just the knock back. the loss of a knock back is a pretty big in M+ and raids.

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I am intrigued by the “new systems” blurb. It seems like they are getting away from the gear treadmill, perhaps.

I personally would love move class min maxing abilities which allow skill ceilings to show, whether this is in pvp or pve content.

Although class pruning has dumb downed alot of classes I would like to see some abilities that have been essentially copied and pasted crossed the class choices to be pulled and more individual type spells being created to correctly fill that classes toolkit.

Yup. I really hope things change. This is what this game needs. Change.

No more expansion-specific content that becomes irrelevant.

No more class pruning.

No more artifacts.

I’d love to see an expansion that feels different, per say.


I’ve heard this line before, when they were pushing class fantasy. I don’t believe they’ve learned anything. I’ll wait for them to prove me wrong.


Honestly, it’s not about the ability to do it… it’s the willingness.

Right now, we have so many abilities that are “meh”. How hard would it be to tune those abilities so every spec can more than 1 cookie cutter?

There are so many abilities that can be made more powerful and still not increase the overall power (dps, healing, tanking) of a class but still give it some variation.

There are so many knobs to tune even what we have now, but nothing is getting done. Even obvious bugs (last boss in SOB and pet pathing for example) aren’t being fixed.

I really find the “we hear you and we’re going to do something about it” totally disingenuous.


God yes… putting in random spawning traps in dungeons/raids and having to disarm them or face additional mobs… Or using weapon chains vs enchants so you couldn’t be disarmed… and having to make that choice over increased damage or not. Having all of the old enchants like leg enchants etc… I used to spend hours farming leather to make those to sell… and the enchants weren’t exclusive to enchanting… Having bonuses based on the professions that I selected and class… I MISS ALL OF THAT… and more…

I want MORE options not less. I want MORE customization not less… I want LESS limitations and MORE fun.


Bornakk, if you’re actually reading this … a lot of people have concerns about the level squish. And whether or not its the end all be all or the tip of the iceberg.

Having a Blue come in here and say “ok, here is the whole game plan on what we have planned.” would do wonders. Even if they only mention the general gameplan and not specifics.

Because a level squish by itself won’t solve the majority of the problems with levelling. If this IS the tip of the iceberg, Blizzard could solve a LOT of flak and get a lot of good PR by going “ok, here’s our roadmap of planned changes and why we’re doing them.”

Going radio silent about the level squish is NOT helping you guys.

I mention this as class design and level squish are going to kind of go hand in hand.


he moves his hands a lot.

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I’ll keep an open mind and see if they put their money where their mouth is, we will see.

Catch-up mechanics are fine, but feel like it goes to far and essentially skips content instead of just getting you through it more quickly. If I leave an expansion at 8.1, and come back for 8.3, I don’t want to feel like I’m getting rushed past 8.2 content. That’s what coming back to the end of MoP felt like to me (after playing in the beginning), and it was disheartening.

I’m personally glad to hear the philosophy of bringing back class, not spec identity. Though I don’t know how that works in a space where specs are so quickly swapped, there is no cross-speccing, and there is no such thing as a “hybrid” spec anymore. Like I can’t go 31 points in Arms, then put whatever prot points I need to get some mitigation for tanking dungeons and off-tanking raids (like Garr adds). I only feel like I’m a warrior in the sense that I completely change what my specialization is on the fly, so what is my specialization really? A change in my gear set?

I’m also glad to hear you guys say out loud that it is OK that BiS stuff for multiple aspects of the game (PvE and PvP) can exist in the parallel content types. WoW should feel like a single unified game. If you want to only experience part of that’s fine, but it’s weird to expect getting the full experience and reward by only playing half of the game.


Give me my spells back.


Imagine thinking it COULDNT get worse lmao


Gee I wonder what they’re gonna do to Fire mage this time. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


I hear you. I played Arms from Cata all the way to BfA. I finally switched because the spec just wasn’t fun for me anymore. Fury … I’m always doing something.