Ion says limit time items arent coming back

He has like, zero credibility when he says stuff like this now. All it takes is a bad term, or bad press and then something he previously said won’t happen, suddenly happens.


Now ?

What changed ?

Oh right nothing. Corrupted Ashbringer, CM sets, Legendary cloak still not available.

It actually pisses me off that the toy legendary cloak thing will have the legendary FX, but not the cloak mog itself.

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What pisses me off more is people pretending they want the cloak to fight Ordos, whom you 1 shot and drops nothing special, rather than admit what they really want : the mogs.

Also pisses me off the mogs don’t grant the effect. All other mogs do.

I think when the toy comes out, we could maybe get a push going for a change on the boards, if nothing else.

You do know that “probably gone forever” really only means “until Daddy Blizz needs a sub numbers boost”. Except raid items, because we all know “EJ” Ion wouldn’t do anything to irritate the try-hard raiding community. :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

I mean, still clickbait thread title. Some people farming engagements on their thread like they’re earning ad revenue.

Every time I see this thread it makes me so happy I took the time to get exclusive items that others will never be able to get, also I enjoy coming here and reading all the copium. We are truly blessed to have a lead game dev that understands why FOMO and exclusives are very important to a game’s health.

They brought back the guardian druid skin from Mage Tower, in a different color.
Do you think they’ll ever bring a recolor from the MoP CM phoenixes? :anguished:

They will, at one point. The community is very clear and vocal about their bad habits and will not rest until the game is in a better state.

They already did and it was not well received. The original colors are better, especially for the monk design.

Ah, my mistake. I though we were speaking about the CM MoP transmog.