Ion says limit time items arent coming back

well they’ve had a pretty strong stance on earned items…just seems many people here can’t cope

either way great to finally have an answer on it from a dev

also can’t wait to get my burning legion dragon next monday :face_in_clouds:

This happens if you do not honor your paying customers. People don’t accept FOMO anymore, especially with a game with such a long legacy and cool stuff locked behind it. Why should faction pride items being locked away in the first place? Because it was a dumb idea from the begin with.

This is how I felt with SMITE, I didn’t play it because I can’t purchase the Avatar skins. Never bothered trying it ever since.

His word doesn’t mean anything. Old items will come back and that’s a good thing.


Had just some time during lunch to check reddit. Who said that nobody talks about FOMO? The very first top comments makes it crystal clear what people think about the situation. I don’t even follow what lands on the BMAH but it’s ridiculous to see that this mount only dropped two times so far. Absolutely ridiculous. Just put it for 25 bucks on the cash shop.


They are gone forever.

… Until they don’t.

Ions says a lot.


The good ol’ bald-faced liar’s ripcord, Mr. Uchiha.

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That’s all it takes sometimes. I think it bothers me more how childish the people who want the game to have less content are. Like it’s fine because they got it. I’m willing to earn it just the same as you did. You hear me Blizzard earn it. Not steam roll it later, earn it.

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The Brutosaur is something that I can agree Blizzard needs to fix. When they made the BFA removal announcement, they also were very clear that it would be up for grabs in the BMAH. They did not set an expectation that the mount wouldn’t show up for entire years in a region. They’ve effectively removed the Bruto from the game entirely with what they did. That is something that deserves revisiting, because the current situation runs contrary to their announcements.


I’ve said before I have a few time exclusives and I really dislike the idea. Removing content from the game is not a great selling factor and the increased graphical fidelity means the team can always revisit old popular designs to remake them for new expansions and seasons.

All they need to do is create spec snapshots including gear that makes the challenge what it is so regardless of when the player encounters it will always be challenging.


“What’s mine is mine, what’s yours is mine.”

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I trust Blizzard about as far as I could throw them. Which isn’t much.

Anything will be brought back to generate fomo, revenue or anything else they think will help them at/during that time. Nothing is off the table when crap hits the fan.


Not even close there champ. These limited time challenges and events need to stay that way, with redoing the events while bringing in NEW rewards, like the MT and how they did it. The TCG mounts can also be not in game obtainable items they could tie to challenges and new stuff. There is no harm in bringing things that were not obtained in game before for reward like the feldrake promotion, but removing the hard work or effort of others by bringing back stuff like the MT weps, the Mop/WoD CM mogs, etc. That is actually a issue since that was a game item that was billed as a limited time then going away thing. TCG stuff they never said they wouldn’t make obtainable in game, and they did even back in WoD with the riding turtle and even MoP with the BMAH

Either all of it is available or none of it is, “champ”


Just doubling down on the idea that they can whip players into staying.

Leave and lose out on the items

No that isn’t how the world works champ. Not even close. This isn’t a preschool. There are degrees, shades, reasons, etc in the real world. It isn’t a concept of all or nothing in anything

Whatever you say, precious snowflake. :clown_face: :clown_face:


Says the guy upset everyone doesn’t get the shiny pixels he wants lol

It may be hard work but you don’t own it. It’s a leased reward which will vanish when WoW stops offering the servers. That’s why it’s bit of unthoughtful to hang yourself so upon these items.


My issue on that whole thing, is that they apparently only caved because Nostralius was threatening to release the source code as I understand, which would of led to countless servers. The idea of the company being threatened into doing that never has sat well with me. Again I preface it with ‘if true’.

If it is true, then frankly were it me I’d of come down even harder on Nost, and been like: “No, and if you little greasewads even try to leak it (I don’t care how it happens) we’ll hold you personally liable and take you for everything you have. So make sure your decepticons GET the memo. Oh and pull the plug. Right effing now.”

If that sounds harsh, it should. I have no patience for piracy and never have. Yet on the flip side, and playing devil’s advocate to myself (remember I am a filthy neutral after all) you CAN learn something from Private Servers about player desires.

It’s a delicate dance. So lets be honest. If WoW ever shuts down, we all know there’s going to be a version out there that allows Dracthyr to soar properly, restores lost lines, and removes the bowls of fruit.

Why? Because there is undoubtedly some player out there who will do that. At the end of the day, sometimes player desire has to trump developer desire, and in the case of classic servers it did. I just am not sure about just how much desire there really was, and how much of it was a desire for a free lunch.

Not really, as your argument could easily be reversed. Why should blizz go through rereleasing them if they don’t matter anyways?