Ion said Blitz will be the default of RBGs

I have a feeling if Blitz is the default, then RBG’s must have been very unpopular via organized pvp groups.


It was hell. It was objectively bad.

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Well I mean all this does is let people queue solo right? The maps are the same?

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The coordination was hell. The maps are fine.

The tank situation concerns me.

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RBGs had the same problem Raids used to have before flex scaling was introduced. As in, getting enough people to attend RBG night consistently unless you’re apart of a strictly PVP oriented guild. Maintaining an Arena team of 2-5 is much easier than maintaining an RBG team of 10.

I made it as far as Stone Guard back in WOD before we just gave up because we couldn’t maintain a consistent roster of players interested and we weren’t really willing to pull in random PUGs.

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I wonder if they somehow pulled off flex raiding for Mythic if raiding participation would increase cause more people would feel capable of doing it. Kind of derailing but upping participation in RBG’s and Mythic raiding for longer into a season could maybe stabilize pops for longer and make the world feel a bit more alive even. This could also benefit raiding guilds rosters perhaps as well as hardcore pvp guilds.

Obviously an mmo is nothing if it has little population especially in pvp.

So can you queue with friends, or is this an exclusively solo queue? I get that people didn’t like getting a full 10 man premade together, but what’s the point if you can’t play with friends at all

I thought i remembered seeing something about a healer being able to queue with a DPS friend. But only 2 people. And one had to be a healer.

Im taking applications for friendship in July.


Wait what was the change? I’m confused. I tried wowhead but im not seeing anything about it.

It was Blizzards refusal to do anything but Out of Touch Class Tuning for 6 years that made this the only option. SoloQ rbgs and regular rbgs could have absolutely co-existed if PvP wasn’t under so much strain from prolonged neglect. Overall this a great thing but it’s a bit of a shame it had to happen like this. Every area of PvP play is currently in shambles.

Myself and a handful of others have been working the Community Council over on this post to try to get some of the issues addressed. If anyone wants to help we can use every man we can get to keep these conversations alive.

Don’t worry you’ll still see plenty of Premades in Regular Random Bgs and Epic BGs, that’s really the only place it’s a problem anyways.


Yep, when they first introduced the BG Blitz, they said you could queue as a duo but only if one of the players was a Healer.

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This is new info to me. When did he make this call? TBC?

I hope Blizzard reconsiders keeping 10v10 rbgs. There’s still plenty of guilds that enjoy group made rbgs that they can join with voice chat. Myself included!

With that being said, solo que 8v8 doesnt sound bad on paper, many pvpers been asking for it. But that being the only option is very disappointing. This will cause frustration and many to download more WAs and addons to push rating due to voice chat not being a thing in an objective based pvp mode.

Good news is cata classic will have 10v10 rbgs, something to lean back on thankfully!


Which, FTR, is ONLY about 2.5mins of bliss.
But what a glorious 2.5mins.

I didn’t think they were getting rid of non solo queue RBGs, just focusing on Blitz.

But i cant confirm.

IDK how I feel about this to be honest…I understand it’s the smartest move to shorten queue times etc

Blitz can just be exhausting ran over and over, just zerging and zooming. But I guess that has been WoW pvp forever now. it’s just that x100.

There’s nothing wrong with rated PvP.

League of Legends has a larger base and larger engagement than Warcraft. The problem with Arena wasn’t that it was rated, it was that it was not designed with what I call “cognitive cushioning”. You need to feed the delusions of players, allow them to maintain the fantasy in their mind they are special.

Arena made it very clear who was good and who was not. Blitz has the potential to leverage that cushioning model by allowing players to simply blame their team when they lose. It just works.

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This needs to happen in some way, shape or form or all healing in PVP needs to be reduced by 70%-80%.

They could even ammend it a little and just have healiny reduced by that amount in PVP Combat, but outside of combat be normal.

Healing in PVP now is FAR too powerful and needs a serious look. It’s just annoying to play against, it’s not fun, and the matches become more about how you can OOM the enemy healer faster

Its worse than Arena?

What are you basing this on? RBGs or casual BGs?

I hate arena lol

I wanted an Epic BG overhaul :frowning: