Invisible Walls in Eversong Woods

Same issue on Whitemane, can’t get through the wall for my pally quest!

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This issue currently exists in Eversong Woods on Benediction as well. I physically cannot move across the zone to even do my class quest which is completely ridiculous. This is NOT a new issue clearly, why isn’t this being addressed?

I was already considering unsubscribing for now due to having nothing to do on my main, but now I can’t even level the alt I want to enjoy.

Perhaps by more people unsubscribing until these bugs are fixed will light a fire for them to address the various issues in the game. -1 sub for now. VOTE WITH YOUR WALLETS.


On Windseeker server. This was a problem yesterday (Aug 31) after the update. A day later this is still a problem?

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BC Classic, Pagle server,Silvermoon city, the invisible wall is still there, it prevent you from entering the room with the teleporter to Undercity, basically every low lvl character or new character is trapped in that zone…
24hs without adressing an issue so big is totally unacceptable

Sulfuras server, same issue. Can’t go any further south than xx.72 coordinates. If you want to play a BE, the game is basically unplayable. This is unacceptable, and perhaps some compensation would be appropriate.

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I’m in the same boat. My character is unplayable.

Restarted the game right now (4:40 pm Argentina time)
There was a patch of 50mb… and the Issue seems to be fixed for now.
Thank you

Same experience, closed game and launcher, received patch. Wall removed. Thank you for mentioning this!

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This Invisible walls I found in Deathholm ans silvermoon City - Cannot get to Dar’Khan, However a Mage can Blink through
Silvermoon - I cannot get to the portal to Undercity or get to the mage/Priest trainers

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Thank-you for the hotfix. Truly!

If you are not sure, this was sarcasm. Walls are still up (on Windseeker anyway).

Thank-you for the hotfix. Truly!

Sorry to hear that - it is fixed on Arugal

Sorry to hear that - it is fixed on Arugal

It is still broken on Windseeker. What is your game version number (Under your “Play” button on the launcher)? Mine is:…

Try restart & ‘check for updates’, hopefully

That worked! Thanks!…

Try restart & ‘check for updates’, hopefully

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Still Happening on Yojamba OCE servers.

Game Version is

Checked for update but no update to be found.

I had to close the window. When I restarted it, there was an update. Maybe even try a system restart. Good luck. It is an annoying issue.

Did this and indeed there was an update. Thanks.

Now to see if the invisible wall is still there…

Seems to be fixed now. Thanks!

i tried to get to ghostlands and ran into the wall i hope it gets fixed