Invis Pots Broken

It appear buffs/HOTs ticking are breaking it an addition the flesh craft and improved ghost wolf talents. Would like to use skips again :slight_smile:

Agreed. We had the same problem in SD last night. Went to do the gauntlet skip with an invis pot. The pot broke like 3-4 seconds into it without anyone using anything.

I was on my guardian druid. Our holy priest got knocked out immediately too. Our warlock made it the full way over.

hopefully tomorrow they will hot fix it.

This bug definitely needs to be hotfixed. It is definitely causing routing problems whenever we do not have someone who can incap/clear combat.

Regardless on how you feel about using Invis Pots to skip packs in M+, the fact that it is breaking the stealth completely is not OK. I’ve not had problems with them, but my guildmates have. I also do not run as much M+ as them, so they will notice problems quicker than I will because it’s more likely to happen. Some people report that it breaks every time without fail.

Apparently BLIZZ gives two f***S
about this bug. Invis pots are useless for me still.