regularly make raid times
Come with repaired gear, ammo, water, etc.
Treat guildies with respect
Intro <Invictus> is a North American Alliance Guild. Most of the core members have been playing together for 10+ years. Most of the core members have raiding experience in almost all of the expansions.
Our goal is PVE raiding while maintaining a friendly and helpful atmosphere. We are a semi hardcore PVE guild. Most of our guild consists of adults 25 or older and therefore have families, mortgages, careers, etc. to maintain. We also have plenty of students and as such we try to be understanding when attendance is an issue due to “real life”.
We use a loot council system where the guild needs out weigh the individual’s needs.
Raid Schedule
Our raid schedule is
8pm - 12am CST Tuesday & Thursday, with another day being brought in for optional PvP
Member expectations
Many of us have vanilla raiding experience at least into BWL. However, if you dont have that kind of experience that’s ok! Helping unfamiliar players is something we enjoy. The goal is to progress and learn as a guild with the end goal finishing Naxx.
Please if you have any questions DM me #Gigglewigglez6953