Invicta (US - Area 52) CE Palace

Bail raids in Braille.

bumping it up

Hold me closer Ted Danson!

There’s probably enough glass in my cupboard to build an undersea aquarium.

faker is the goat

He had a vague sense that trees gave birth to dinosaurs

Basset hound puppies trip over their own ears. YouTube it.

Scott Stapp memes are the best memes.

The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long.

The tortoise jumped into the lake with dreams of becoming a sea turtle.

I like to leave work after my eight-hour tea-break.

bumping it

The bees decided to have a mutiny against their queen.

She tilted her head back and let whip cream stream into her mouth while taking a bath.

You have every right to be angry, but that doesn’t give you the right to be mean.

Have you ever heard of the hit band Creed?

Does anyone know if Scott Stapp will be making an appearance tonight?

With arms wide open is my life motto

Mine is 6 feet from the edge.

Art doesn’t have to be intentional.