Invent the worst change you could make

Add weight to items, including money

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Was fun playing a monk in Everquest with item weight issue…

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As a D&D player, I definitely know the pain of trying to manage item weight on my casters who have low STR.

Let’s make it so each faction gives a world buff but you have to pick one and only one. After your selection, if you don’t like it, you have to grind for days and days to change it. Funny thing is, the leadership at Blizzard thinks this is a fantastic idea.

Spent countless hours camping the mobs that drop the bags that negate the item weights of everything inside of them. Was essential to have those pretty early on as a monk.

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Change PVP servers to where a faction can actually take over the other faction’s towns/flightpaths.


Titanforging would be pretty yikes.


never heard of this

Sometimes items just drop with more stats than usual. Like getting a +1 DFT or a +3 CTS.


Anytime somebody passes into a instance, random chance they will be sent to another group in another instance. Cross faction included.

Genuinely, I don’t think the worst possible update I can imagine would be worse than the things Blizzard has already done.




Ahh so kinda how Diablo 3 has stat ranges that are randomized on gear so you can spend a ridiculous amount of time not only trying to get the items you need, but also the stat numbers you want on that particular item as well. Really drags out that grind in the pursuit of best possible stats

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Windfury can proc off spells and has 100% proc chance.

Same in Baldur’s Gate. My warrior type characters ended up being basically pack mules.

Ooo, how to choose, how to choose…

I would implement 1.12 AV. And then because I’m feeling extra sadistic, I would give retail WoW the 1.5 AV experience.

Hardiness increased to 95% increased chance to resist stuns.

Will of the Forsaken is permanent, undead characters are immune to fear.

Warstomp stun lasts 8 seconds.

Escape artist makes gnomes permanently immune to snares/roots.

Stoneform makes dwarves permanently immune to poison/disease/bleed.

Perception is permanent.

Night elves can now move while shadowmelded.


Every dungeon/raid boss you defeat gives you a stack of “exhaustion”. Once you accumulate 15 stacks of exhaustion, you can no longer enter a dungeon. After 24 hours, your exhaustion resets or you have the option to buy an item from the in-game store that clears all stacks of exhaustion.

  1. Make Blood Elves a Horde race.
  2. Make Dwarves an Alliance race.

Your character has stamina and can only run for a limited amount of time before they have to walk for a bit.

Like diablo!