Invasions, Kara Crypts, Sanctified gear

Invasion are promoting the most toxic environments I’ve experienced in SoD. I’m usually tagging most/all rates and dooms, but it is better to have less people around. Which is exactly opposite of what players and devs thrive for in Classic WoW.

Kara Crypts is awesome, I’m enjoying it. However the average time spent in this dungeon is absurd. Please get more QA testers.

Sanctified gear is the worst! Due to what is available is actually creating enemies amongst our own faction. We got hunters needing on healing gear, and to be fair it is literally their pre bis based off of sims… why do we not have gear for every type of class/spec? You made the sanctified pieces so valuable that it’s more beneficial to dps to roll on healing gear than use their current phase 6 bis. This is by far the most overlooked aspect of this entire phase. Whoever is in charge of this idea needs to own up and make changes. Get it together over there… please.

I am def keeping a list of people who have stolen my group’s doom tags.

If the opportunity ever shows itself, I will screw them out of loot or their kara/raid lockout.

Having the only sanctified belt being a healing belt was kind of insane. It’s literally everyone’s pre-bis lol.

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Ring and neck as well