Invasion tactic - just so you're aware

Just a heads up, I’m sure some of you have seen this happen. If a class with an aoe taunt is quick enough you can actually steal the shadow tags from the people that paid the rune charge. I’d heard mention of this but hadn’t seen it work until last night when I paid for a summon, and lost to taunt. Not mad at them, they’re just tryin to get their stuff same as everybody. shame the event hasn’t been tweaked enough yet.

Just want to get that out there so you can know what to look for/do to help your guildies get their chests.

Truly not trying to rage bait. It’s unfortunate that the state of invasions is such that playing like a scumbag is the only efficient way to get your raid geared.

Good luck out there, and remember to step away a bit if it gets too frustrating.

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