Invasion of Ukraine: Are the Gates of Hell Being Open

Only thing I am gonna say on that is that the military are well trained, just understaffed.

Yeah the cadre is good. The top brass as of late is rather cringe.

I laugh at them openly, along with anyone else that believes in some sort of fairytale.

Personally, I’d rather not have career politicians in charge.

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Unfortunately, they hold the purse strings.

Not to mention, the FAKE PRESIDENT is on video bragging about extorting Ukraine by withholding $1 billion of US tax money if they didn’t fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma. :clown_face:

*that’s actual quid pro quo, too

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Laugh now. Soon, you won’t.

That’s unfortunate. MY personal belief is that you must serve at least 1 tour to qualify to hold office, and not some janky office position. Combat Arms.

I would love for that to be true. That and a 2 term limit. What are things that will never happen in America for 100, Alex?

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World war three will start once global warming gets worse and everyone will be fighting over Antarctica.

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lol. Move over penguins. There is oil under that glacier.

If God didn’t intervene, we would destroy ourselves in less than two decades in today’s time.

Personally no one give a rat behind of about global warming.

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Revelation already happened. The entire thing was mostly referencing the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

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Um, no. China very much has Russia’s back, Xi has called their relationship special, and China has a lot of power in the world. Not even the United States risks screwing with China because the U.S. depends on China. Think, they just killed millions across the world (by accident or intentional, we’ll never know) with a virus and faces no repercussions.


I go outside in the winter. It’s cold and wet.
I step outside in the summer. It’s humid and hot.
I step outside in the spring. The allergies tear me up. It’s also warm.
I step outside in the fall, and I see leaves drop. The air is cool.

Been that way for all my life. How many times was the world supposed to end if we didn’t act RIGHT NOW? More than a handful by now.

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Fun fact: the lab people reference as a possible location from where the virus originated is helped funded by the US government lol.

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If it was true Trump colluded with Russia, they would have impeached him for it.
The Mueller report determined no collusion.
They impeached him for a phone call asking for some obvious corruption investigated.

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As I said earlier yes China is supporting them, but look at the biggest picture. Their neighbors around them (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Moldova etc.) are all speaking out against them. Their fifth columns in Europe (hungary) are turning against them. Their oligarchs are fuming, none of whom live in China, all of whom love their lavish life in Europe that’s now slipping away. They’re getting cut off from SWIFT. They’ll be getting harsh sanctions.

Got to turn the television off. It’s nothing but garbage reality shows and CIA sponsored news.

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Hello idk who Yipper is but calling someone weak is not praising the other. I’m left leaning, Biden is the weakest president we’ve had. He is literally sleeping. :sleeping: Both parties have worked with Russia, move on. I think theres more going on here than we know.