Intuition (Alliance) Sat/Sun 2:30-5:30 PM

Intuition (Alliance) @ Pagle

The primary focus of Intuition is to develop a long-term fun and friendly guild that regularly clears all current content. If you are looking to be part of something fresh and become a core/founding member of a long-term raiding guild please check us out. We have a friendly atmosphere, with respectful players, and a laid back and helpful environment.

Raid times Saturday and Sunday 2:30-5:30 PM EST (server)
Loot Open roll Main Spec > Off-Spec +1
*If you win a MS piece you can’t win another MS piece during the same raid if another MS raider needs it. Loot tables are separate: Molten Core, Ragnaros, and Onyxia
*Once we finalize our raid roster, loot will be fairly distributed via loot council.

Current Raid Needs
Druid bear or protection warrior
Mages and Warlocks
*All exceptional prospective raiders will be considered.

Daily BiS dungeons farming groups. The guild is very helpful and strives to ensure every interested guild member has the opportunity to acquire the gear they need.

We are open to running pre-made Battlegrounds and other PvP events, based on player interests.

Contact In Game

We are running multiple dungeons every day and looking forward to another MC and Onyxia raid this weekend. Come join the fun!

Come join us for today’s raid. Contact Corwen.

We’ve had several great additions this week. Please join us today for a full MC clear. Contact Corwen.

We have a few openings for the weekend raid. Come try us out. Loot is MS > OS rolls. Contact Corwen for more information.

are you guys still looking for a mage?

Bnet tag Robokapp#1786 please add me if yes.