Introspective looking for more M+ players, causal, and social members! We are especially looking for people who want to do keys 16+! But, if you are new to keys and want to learn lower ones we can help with that too.
Not looking for a guild, but want to run more m+? Add an officer (contact at the end of the post) and ask about joining our discord as a community member/guest. You will be able to see almost all of the discord channels and can come to all our events but don’t have to join the guild. =)
- ALL CLASSES AND SPECS are welcome to join for M+!
- We run mythic+ keys throughout the week and have a m+ request channel in disc people can post in for specific keys they want to do or if they need help getting a 15 for the vault
- Guild m+ nights are 2 days per week, usually Saturday nights 8 PM EST and one other flex day depending on officer schedules (most often will be mondays, thursdays, and fridays).
- This is an optional drop in type of event. Where we break up into keys basked on player goals and skill and try to run keys in groups. Some times we pug if the group sizes are odd as we don’t always have everything match up. But we do our best and people that are willing to be flexible are very helpful!
- We have some people interested in pushing high keys and looking for more people with this same interest to continue building our m+ community!
- We especially need people who want to run keys 16 and up! We have multiple people pushing for 3k io and we need more members with similar goals!
Social and Casual Members
- Want a guild with an active community but can’t commit to regular raiding? Everyone is welcome here even if you don’t want to join the raid team!
- We run normal raid, an optional drop in event on Wednesdays at 7:30 PM EST and usually clear normal in a couple hours. We have an active discord with people usually hanging out in there every night.
- We have m+ night with guildies you are welcome to join for!
- We chit chat a lot in discord and frequently hang out in there at night even if there’s not an event or raid going on.
- We also play other games together when things are a bit slow in wow.
Normal Raids
- Wednesdays 7:30 pm EST
- Ilvl 441 is required for normal raid.
- Good for alts and fun to get to know people while you gear up!
- Normal is open to ALL our guild members including our casual and social players, alts, etc. Not sure about our heroic requirements but interested in raiding? Come join up and start with normal while you work on gearing up. If you want to trial for heroic down the line we can talk about it when you’re ready.
We may do heroic alt raids soon!
AOTC Heroic Raid Team
Recruiting is CLOSED for our AOTC team “Teldrassil Memorial Fund”. Check back next tier to see if we are recruiting again.
Note: We do not raid mythic. =)
Heroic Alt Raids
- Tuesdays 7:30 to 10:30 PM EST
- Ilvl 463 required
- We are opening up this raid to any of our guild and community members that meet the ilvl required. This will likely always be a pug raid to fill whatever spots are missing.
- If not enough ppl are interested we may cancel this, but seeing how it goes for now!
Recruiting Officer: Tiva | Discord (preferred): tiva | Battlenet: tiva#1174
Guild Master: Quin | Discord: YingYui