Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

RNG in dungeon and raid? Normal.
RNG in everything? Nop, it make the game a chore to play.

If i have to judge on others game who put a council:

  • First the players in it are just advisors, not the ones to decide.
  • Second it’ a double edged sword: If the players are never listened, it’s a council devoid of meaning and only here to say that it exist.
    It’s not rocket science to guess how the player base will react to the devs.

On the other side, if the devs access to even the most unreasonable request with bad consequences in the game, all the blame will be put on the players and the council will ultimatly be dissolved.

It’s a balance to find and not an easy one.

right off the top of my head, torghast - they originally had a timer in there which made it more interesting - people cried that they wanted to take breaks.

the professions - originally they had different sets of armor for each covenant - people complained it was useless without considering everything wasn’t even in the game yet

also for professions - one person suggested the vendor prices for the mats from there should be higher to prevent people from doing the flip. I would rather of them just reduced the vendor price of the final item. It is miserable to waste that much gold just leveling up a profession for which you can only vendor the item for less than the vendor items themselves cost. In addition, it is painful to have to purchase items for gold to make items to funnel to your enchanter to grind up which is typically what I do with all my extra skinning supplies.

I completely forgot about the covenant sets. Aurgh.

I feel scared that there will be lots of leaks and spoil the fun.

This isn’t quite true. Void Elf-players can finally be High Elves with the upcoming patch which is a very big deal for the RP-community.

Why have a new public viewable new discussion forum and not a sticky stating the item agenda at the top of General that covers just one topic at a time?

Who will be facilitator?

Broken Draenei & Forsaken paladins please

High Elves partying, while I’m over here like:


oho bleh bleh bleh~

Alliance players getting a massive morale boost. I’ve seen more guilds recuiting for High Elf stuff, and a ton of vampire RP going on in Stormwind over the last few weeks, and it was just non-stop tonight with people trickling into the barber shop and logging out.

It’s been a blast. Had more fun with PTR shenanigans and coming up with stories over the last bit than I’ve had in M+ or PvP all expansion.

I see a similar experience on Argent Dawn-EU when I’m there. So many Total RP3 profiles “preparing” for High Elf characters. I’m glad that the Alliance-players finally got something they truly wanted.

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Oh looks like i was right when i made a topic about a player community council.

We won’t just the selected committee will.

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really? you have so much fluff in there I can’t even find it even when looking for it - blizzard has had these things before and they didn’t work. I can’t see much good coming out of this one either to be honest - in fact, I think this one the way they are doing it is going to have some serious other fallout effects.

After BFA, it feels good to at least finally get something other than Dark Irons that was actually requested.

So like, pretty much all these suggestions you’re looking for are already In the forums.
Literally thousands of great ideas


It is good to see human faces behind the veil, I think people will treat blizzard differently if they see that there are people just like us that want the same things, for us to be happy gamers.

Each class should be represented, in PvP and PvE, and serious gamers should be represented, but ALSO casual daddy and mommy gamers

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Yes. I adore all Alliance and Horde AR but it’s undeniable how much the Alliance got shafted. The Kul Tiran model is great and I adore those characters but sometimes the developers need to put even more work into the Alliance and make them as alternative skins available. Kul Tiran for humans/Worgen-humans. Mechagnome for Gnomes.

Will be filling out my Application ASAP.

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dont invite streamers!!!


I think this will be a good thing, if Blizzard utilizes it properly. As someone who only dabbles in raiding, PvP, etc. but is an extremely active RPer, I hope they take this seriously. Ion “You think you want it, but you don’t.” Hazzikostas does not give me much hope, however.

I know right? :laughing:

I would say green MVPs should also be barred from posting there.

The simple fact of the matter is if you’re

  • bought-off/paid-for/“for profit” in some way (most streamers)
  • an existing employee of Blizzard (certain streamers)
  • a spineless “yes man” that never posts any actual valid criticisms/negative feedback (green MVPs)
  • unlikely to speak in the best interest of regular/everyday players (both streamers and green MVPs)

…or any combination of these, then you shouldn’t be picked. Habitual white-knights (certain GD’ers) should also be barred from entry imo.

The bulk of the posters should just be regular/everyday players. Period.

Some nobody casual player I’ve never heard of is far superior feedback than a for-profit streamer or a “yes man” green MVP, because said casual’s feedback is actually organic/genuine.