Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

You have all our thanks! YES!

You don’t. Blizzard picks who posts suggestions.

This article explains it pretty well.

He essentially had a mental breakdown due to trolls and started banning people left and right before he got fired.

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I’m always up for trying something new. Even if it doesn’t work out new things are learned and something better comes of it. Hopefully.

I mean, I applied even though I’m against this and would prefer them to hire people specifically to scour this, discords, reddit, etc. for constantly brought up feedback to relay to the devs, because I’d rather be able to contribute than have things fall on deaf ears.

But I’d also probably post feedback that is consistently posted on here/reddit/etc. in that forum so it can be seen.

This is a Clayton’s offering that will amount to little. (Think revamped MVP)

Community positions should be vetted & selected by the community, otherwise the selection process will just be another Blizz shill selection process with little to no ‘fruitful’ outcomes……


also i would assume this forum is just going to get worse we already have people getting bans for just having an opinion about the game nothing out of line just an opinion
and i don’t see this getting any better with a nether forum

Nope, you already agree with everything they do.

Also, you do show negativity to people you don’t agree with.


Can you provide examples of people doing the quoted?

The 800 employees that were sacked back in the day were from the entire Activision Blizzard company, meaning there were terminations from Activision Publishing, King Digital, Blizzard Entertainment and the various subsidiaries that Activision Publishing also owns. They did not all come from Blizzard Entertainment itself.

Also congrats on misunderstanding the entire Community Council. Those selected are not going to be messengers telling the community what the developers are doing. Those selected are going to be the ones directly talking with the developers about the game design, something you’ll be able to see even if you’re not chosen to be on the council that year.

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Based on their social media posts how would someone think they are.

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I am not so sure.
Look at this thread with more than 4600 posts requesting Ion keep his commitment to addressing the granular guild controls that he made more than 3 years ago.
So I find it incredibly hard to accept that they look at this at all.


I’m unsure how well this will go. I have a feeling the people who will be chosen will only be very specific people and not the normal Player. There are so many problems this Game has which they continue to fall into. Even though a lot of Players tell them it’s just not good. At this point the only enjoyable things I find but isn’t worth playing for alone is the Playstyle of the Game along with the Cooldowns and easy to change UI. Other than that, there isn’t anything really interesting to do at least with New Expansion currently.


What I want them to do is hire a marketing research company do do random surveys of subscribers.

If you ask streamers, mythic raiders, and high rated PvPers and keypushers what casuals want, you’re going to hear people venting their prejudices based on what they read on the internet, because these are people who have nothing to do with casuals.


I’ve been complaining about transmog restrictions for years and nothing has changed. I don’t hold much hope with this council thingy. I could tell you right here what you need to change if you like and then you can roll it out in next weeks restart. Super easy.


Players don’t walk away though.

They say something critical.

Then they refresh the page endlessly looking for replies.

yeah well all I can say is if the people in this thread get their way in making this game I will find another game - RNG things makes the game more interesting for me.

I wouldn’t be worried about that.

The community council isn’t game development by committee. So if we’re selected we’re not going to be able to say “Hey, devs, do what we want.” and BAM it’s done. We’ll just have a direct line of communication with them.

I played in enough alphas and betas to know that things that get changed because of player feedback are rarely good for me. So yes I am concerned about that, plus this section of the forum would be useless then.

I’m curious, what changes that have happened in the last two betas were negative to you?

Not trying to be crass, I’m just legitimately curious.