Introduce Yourself Here

Hello everyone, I started playing WOW 15 years ago. I spent the first three years playing on EU servers as Alliance, and then I swapped to Horde. Before WOW I was a console player and loved games such as Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Parasite Eve so, WOW was a very big change in genre for me.

I main an elemental shaman (at the moment) but dabble in most classes to some extent. I am a very casual player and spent most of my time levelling alts, collecting pets, transmogs, doing achievements ect. Here is a link to my main As for dungeons and raids, I might do the very low-key M+ and LFR once in a while. I used to raid as Resto Shaman back in WOTLK but was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis which ended my very short raiding career as MS affects my hand /eye coordination, memory, slow reaction times ect ect. I still love the game, and really do hope we can have a voice that is heard and makes a difference.