Introduce Yourself Here

Hey guys,

I’m, Xanlorash. Many of you may know me as an MVP here on the Forums since late 2018. I’ve been a World of Warcraft player since 2004. Shortly joined the game after one of my friend’s showed me the Alliance city of Stormwind back then!

Before playing World of Warcraft, I played games mostly on consoles with the exception of Warcraft III and Diablo II. In World of Warcraft, I really enjoy earning achievements and working on them.

I additionally really enjoy collecting items such as mounts, pets, and the various transmog sets! My main character has been an Arcane Mage, Which I created shortly after the expansion, The Burning Crusade launched!

As part of the WoW Community Council, My parts of focus will be:

Achievements: In this aspect regarding achievements, I’ll be pushing for more collection achievements to be added! I understand at this point from reading the Forums, That many would love to see more achievements added in respect to the Mount and Pet Collection Achievements!

I’ll also be posting feedback regarding many various other achievements in the game as well. I’ve got a lot of feedback I wish to share regarding many achieves.

Dungeons & Raids: I really enjoy raiding. I’m a Heroic raider at this point, Hoping to get into Mythic raiding eventually. Personally, I would love to see Flex raiding when it comes to Mythic raids. I’ll also be posting feedback on how Dungeons & Raids themselves can be improved upon. Weather it’s a new dungeon or raid or a new one to the game!

PvP - In Battlegrounds & The Open Game World: Got a lot to share regarding PvP in General. I’m hoping to see a lot of changes take place when it comes to PvP. One aspect I’ll be posting feedback on is regarding “Premades” in Battlegrounds.

I would love to see a feature added to PvP where you can form a premade group and fight against another premade group. Possibly have it as a feature in the Battleground Finder! I’m hoping if this were to take place that in the current random Battleground’s that if you queue for a random - It would be a random and not a random against a premade.

I know from experience this has been an issue with some premade’s from farming kills and not doing objectives causing the match to take forever to end. And, I know players don’t want to leave because they would get deserter for leaving. So, I’ll be posting some feedback regarding this in General.

I’ll also be posting feedback as well for Open-World PvP and how this can be expanded in General in-game! Maybe add some cool rewards you could obtain for participating in Warmode! :smiley:

I also welcome all of the new people that got invited to this new program by Blizzard. Hope you all enjoy your time and looking forward to seeing what you all have to say! :slight_smile: