Introduce Yourself Here


Some may know me or not if you’re familiar with the Classic/TBC community. I’m excited to be here and see what comes out of this!

A little bit about me - Most people call me Sixx, my character is Sixxfury originally from Incendius during Classic initial release… transferred to Netherwind when the queue times were 6 hr+, then abandoned Netherwind in TBC when it was increasingly frustrating playing on an ally dominated server and transfers went on sale…

I originally started at the end of TBC and played most of my time during Wrath and Cata. I spent about 7~ years of my life playing thousands of hours of this great game and eventually it’s appeal wore off completely as systems and “feel” of the game completely shifted with each expansion.

With the announce of Classic I was excited to experience vanilla for the first time. I’ve always been keen on mathing out stuff and figuring out the best way to DPS or whatever so I started making a spreadsheet sim for Hunter in classic. Then that led to me being super interested in classic when the beta released. At the time I was a moderator on the classic Hunter discord but I wasn’t subbed to WoW and obviously wasn’t invited to the beta. So I sat there and watched people play, heard about a ton of bugs and all these issues with Hunter… Eventually led to me making a list and tracking down every issue I could find wrong with Hunter - pouring through old videos, patch notes, and having many people test things for me on the beta.

This eventually led to me being invited to the beta, further helping my ability to debug and help Aggrend and Co. find as much bugs as possible before launch. A few of us players worked directly with Aggrend and QA to bring classic to a good state from different perspectives. Honestly if it weren’t for Blizz being across the country for me, I may have ended up working for Blizz…

Anyways, I put in a ton of effort into making the game the best version it could - Although I was focused on Hunter issues in particular; it wasn’t the only thing I cared about. This continued into TBCC, and hopefully will continue on into Wrath Classic! I’m super excited to experience wrath again (even though it’s not officially confirmed :wink: there’s no way they don’t do it!)

Over this time I’ve devoted a ton of time towards the Hunter community, bringing a small Classic Hunter discord from about 300 members growing to about 48,000 members throughout Classic and TBCC and attempting to maintain that server as a friendly place to discuss huntery things. I also spent a lot of time theorycrafting the modern Classic and TBC Hunter (a lot of info was either unfinished or not fully thought through). Ask me anything Classic Hunter related and I’m sure I have the answer!

Basically I’m a Classic-focused PvE Hunter nerd with some hardcore tendencies, desire to play the best I can, and desire to help make the game the best I can. I’m not really sure what role I’ll play in something like this, but I know that I care about the direction of at least the Classic community and want it to continue to thrive and grow as it has over the last 2 1/2 years.

P.S. - Basîl does amazing artwork!