Intro Quest Skip and Weekly "A Worthy Ally: Loamm Niffen"

As of today, if your character has not completed this quest : Return to Viridia in 10.07, your character will not be offered the quest The Land Beneath.

Technicallly, you will be still able to fly directly to the zone and see the world quest if your other character had been completed all the quests needed to unlock it.

However, this is the key : 10.1 is very different than 10.07, the Loamm faction is the key for all the new contents, even with all these new rares, you are not getting upgraded gears like you did in 10.07, if you are not able to do the normal quests to reach Loamm hub, you will be at least 3 renow behind of any other characters, which will be terrible.

In short, unless you dont want to play your character in this patch at all, you should go back to the forbidden beach and finish those quests.