Into The Unknown - Death Inaccessable

Background- Working on Quest: “Into the Unknown”, accessed by the rank 2 Mushroom Network in Night Fae.
Problem - Unable to get to corpse after dying
Details - I was working on this quest after accessing the rank two Mushroom network. I died during the quest and there is no way to get to your corpse as it requires traveling through the mushroom network. Subsequently, I had to rez at the graveyard.


I had the same issue; easy fix, but very annoying oversight as you’re forced to accept the 10 mins rez sickness.


This bug persists.


Thought the last maintenance would have fixed this but nope.

It’s only the Young Matriarch quest that’s a consistent fail. Last time after getting GM rezzed and unStuck, I managed to kill the YMB but when I was clicking the 6 eggs to destroy, she respawned on my face! Wasn’t ready for that and I’d already used all my cooldowns. Died again, Stuck service not available til the next day, went to bed.

Last night, got dead again (real close!) and still couldn’t rez myself. Stuck service isn’t working since holiday mode so finally had to take a spirit rez. That is SO NOT ACCEPTABLE.

Even when you fall off the world to your death, you can rez at the edge. Even when the zeppelin used to dump you in the fatigue zone, you could run out there and corpse hop. I don’t really mind the death repair bill but the spirit rezzer’s durability 25% hit of everything in your bag galls me. I’ll take it if I decide I’m going to be lazy or log out anyway but this one is really pissy.

I went after the Ba’al goat pet and died multiple times in the fatigue zone but that was MY choice and the spirit rezzer was useful.

You don’t have a choice with this underground death for the mushroom quest. I know not everyone is working on mushroom man rep (not sure why I am except I’ve exalted all reps since vanilla). This shouldn’t be happenning in this game.

Nothing else forces you to ask Stuck service or take a spirit rez.

I know nobody cares if I boycott this quest but nothing in this game in 15 years has made me this angry. Nothing else.

Please fix this by letting us rez at the mushroom ring inside or just delete this quest entirely. It’s not necessary and just angering the players.


Agree. This really isn’t reasonable. I’ve had to take rez sickness three times now.


Just was killed by Bagoom’s mushroom explosions while not paying attention and was unable to reach my body, having to take rez sickness.

Our bodies should show up at the mushroom ring if anything.


Agreed this happened to me as well was distracted by kitchen and didnt want food to burn so came back to my spirit outside of the network unable to get back in. Needs to be fixed as soon as possible at least put the body in the mushroom ring at heart of forest so we can rez there.


This is still a problem. Can’t access our corpses in the fae mushroom network’s “unknown area” in Ardenweald if we die in there. Have to accept res sickness and durability loss to recover our corpses.

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Same issue, same problem. Is anyone actually working on this issue?

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Guess i’ll use my 10 minutes of rez sickness to type this out. Same deal with me. These are the corners I have noticed blizz cutting over the years that makes me wonder if its worth my time or money anymore. And of course they are not working on it. Such a easy fix too.


Ugh. Ya, same here. Died in Unknown area and had to take rez sickness. This is a silly thing to continue to have happen.

Somehow, insanely, this problem persists. Had to take rez sickness today.

This just happened to me. Had to take res sickness. Not only do I have to wait 10 minutes, it cost a small fortune to repair my armor.

Just happened to me (on my rogue). I only get 30 minutes to game in the morning so this took up 1/3 of my play time.

Here’s a quarter, call someone who cares.

Also died during the Into the Unknown for the scouring dustlets. Died and was unable to reach corpse. I used the unstuck but now I’m hesitant to continue the quest because I’ll end up having to take rezz sickness to come back which I don’t mind but it is rather annoying and can be cost intensive for gold if you’re not using guild funds to repair, etc. I did screenshot where my corpse said it should be on the map, it was not there and there was no way for anyone else to find it either to try a rezz.

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bug still not fixed died for being afk I know this aint so serious but being forced to take 10 minutes res sickness after walking over there and finding out u cant rez is not fun. USE THE MILLIONS U GOT BLIZZARD TO ACTUALLY MAKE A WORKING GAME LOL JK I LOVE WOW

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So I’ve been paying attention and avoiding/abandoning the Young Matriarch quest since posting this thread.

Had like one more quest to hit exalted with the Mushroom Man and Into the Unknown was the Kill 20 gassy mushrooms. AoE easy-peasy. Halfway thru, an Alliance guy shows up and aggros the entire room. Gets his 20 and leaves. The other 40~50 slam into me. Dead. My Aoe only goes to 5! Only a talent to spread SW:Pain lets me kill larger packs. Not this big spreading poison crud tho.

I just gave up trying to ask for a stuck-help rez (since that puts you in Org) and spirit rezzed, cussing out the devs who haven’t fixed this even after all these threads and complaints.

Y’all owe me 178.22g for dura repairs (yes, I had a bunch of BoEs in my bag which all got damaged. Such a lame mechanic of spirit rezzing.)


Yup. This is really great. Yet more evidence of how little Blizzard cares about quality control and it’s players.

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Yep, 2/23/21 and the problem continues