Intervene nearest ally macro?

Is it possible to make an intervene macro that will target nearest ally and intervene them without losing my current target? If not, how would I be able to intervene my healer using their name and again not losing my current target?


You can set intervene to a focus macro using 2 or 3 separate macros

First would be a macro that is simply /setfocus. This will set the person you want to intervene as your focus.

Then you would use the intervene macro on them which would be

/cast [@focus] Intervene; Intervene

This will cast intervene on the focus you selected. or your target if you don’t have a focus

Last macro is another simple one. /clearfocus will remove the focus.

In place of the @focus part of the intervene macro you can set it to other things like @mouseover to set it to use intervene on the person you have your cursor over. @targettarget to intervene the target the mob is attacking.

Also if you just want it to intervene one specific person you can use something like

/tar Katchenz
/cast intervene

This will intervene someone without changing your target. Just replace my name with whoever you wanna intervene


If you want a generic intervene closest ally, without specificing pre determined targets, in a bg or raid for example, I would suggest just using a mouseover is safer as the possibility of intervening to the wrong person is far less probable

/cast [@mouseover, no harm, exists]

No targeting or changing targets is required for that

For a specific target (e.g., your arena partner/healer)

/cast [target=“bob”] intervene

That also won’t change targets. There’s more you can add to both, but I wanted to give you the simplest syntaxes for those 2 functions I would prefer to have it have an additional line so it’s just a straight intervene in case Bob or mouseover doesn’t exist so the macros can still function


So if I add /cast Intervene to that it will use intervene normally if Bob doesn’t exist?

I dont necessarily think mouseover intervene macros are the best way to perform the function but I think they are highly dependable if you’re comfortable with them. I play 2s and 3s with a number of different people and changing macros every session is highly annoying. With all of the additional binds arms uses compared to bfa, I find mouseovsr intervenes a fair compromise give how frequently I run overwatch, run misshapen mirror or unmodified actual intervene to motivate damage on 2s or 3s partners or prevent a physical interrupts, on a healer + not to mention mobility in a pinch

Here is a video from 2 nights ago with a lot of mouseover intervenes and honestly no problems or hiccups, so i think its fine… one could argue its terrible but its something I’ve done for many years while tanking and it’s just very natural doing it in arena as well, def was missing it since wod

Anyhow if you want to see how that type of macro performs in reasonably competitive games this season feel free to skim through this short video of 2200mmr 2s with an rsham where I was swapping legendaries and talents based on the opposing comp but there’s tons of intervenes

Using a semicolon should do that automatically

/cast [target=bob] intervene; intervene

Might need to test it though

Yes add that as the 3rd line and #showtooltip as the first line. I can copy the macro i use verbatim if you would like just lmk

That should work also yes. For short macros I use multiple lines for which i just find its easier editing on the fly, if needed) but colons are pretty standard and if macro length isn’t an issue its pretty much down to preference. For instance I can spot typos easier on lines vs 1 long long w/ colons but its neater synax having it shorter, multiple ways to skin a cat and such

Worth noting [nodead] is a thing also if poor Bob got convoked on, Bob technically exists but you want the macro to only acknowledge him if alive, else intervene to the second priority conditon

Press F for Bob


What add ons are you using in that video?

Aside from the obvious ones its mostly custom TellMeWhen triggers

What are the ones you use that show the health bars?

the enemy health bars are gladius, just not default layout. i move the cast bars on the left similar to sarena and just move and resize a few things around.

my party frames are just default raid frames scaled a larger than what the default ui allows for, i learned enough lua to make a basic addon to tweak certain ui elements without having to use something unnecessarily invasive (had taint issues in the past with MoveAnything)

to the right of the party raid frames are custom TMW triggers designed to be similar to gladius class icons/auras. in truth, initially my goal when i started creating this layout was to emulate/mirror gladius so i see the same information for both teams but over time with getting teammates who communicate well i’ve dropped elements for the sake of less clutter, but the classicons/auras for allies is what i like visually seeing. everything else is communicated by voice… if i am playing 3s or on an alt with randoms/no voice i’ll enable ability team tracker and omnibar, but i’ve played 2s with this particular healer for like 6 years so i don’t need to visually watch his cooldowns, better to keeps eyes focused on the enemy team, haha

Nice. Ty. I use TMW as well. Prob my fav add on for what it does.