Intervene macro for solo shuffle

Hi guys,
I’ve been trying to set up a intervene macro for solo shuffle but can’t figure out why its not working. I’ve tried both below:

/cast [@party1] intervene

/cast [@arena1] intervene

I also set up the party frames in the game options in order so the healer always stays on top.
It only works if I put [@nameofthehealer] but keep changing it all the time is a whole lot of work, which I dont want to do.

Any help will be much appreciated.

@partyN doesn’t correspond to the order your party members appear on your screen. You can change your party order so it does but forcing the healer to be the top frame won’t affect the macro at all.

Use the Group Sort method and the numbers will line up with their positions.

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Is there a way to do it without the help of an Addon? Trying to use as few as possible.


However, you could use a macro like this instead:

/run local n=UnitName("target") or "player" if not InCombatLockdown() then EditMacro(GetMacroIndexByName("Intervene"),nil,nil,"#showtooltip\n/cast [@"..n.."] Intervene") print("Intervene target set to "..n) end
  • Name it Set Intervene
  • Create a 2nd blank macro called Intervene
  • At the start of your match, target the healer and press the Set Intervene macro and it’ll automatically populate the Intervene macro with a version that will cast at them.

I’ll try it.
Thank you for the help.