Interst check

Hey I am doing an interest check in a Troll only guild.

It would have rp, pvp, and pve. I could see a focus or desire to unify the troll tribes.

The only class that would not be in the guild is Demon hunter, Trolls(original playable class) and Zandalari trolls all other classes are represented. I feel that PVE wise would be ok.

What do you all think?

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So…I’m slightly confused.

You want a troll only guild but classes that are accepted into the guild would be demon hunters and anything else Troll related.

So it would have to be Trolls and Blood Elves since they’re the only ones who can be Demon Hunters in game.

I’m not bashing your concept by the way. Just hoping for additional clarification.

No i am saying that the only class that wont be in the guild is demon hunters. Which is fine. Unlike say a high mountain tauren only guild is gonna have bad class representation.

And I see what I did. Left out the not. Fixed!


Aaah! Ok therein lies my confusion. Apologies about that.

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I don’t see much reason a troll only guild can’t be successful, they have a ton of lore, it’s a race-based concept that technically two different races can join, which is nice.

My only words of caution would be making guilds that rely on current lore. The second Kul Tiras was announced as a locale for BfA, a dozen Kul Tiran ship crews and houses sprung up, and not many remain. There’s also what can happen after the expansion, which is becoming less relevant in the main narrative and people losing interest. There were a fairly large number of DH guilds in Legion and idk if a single one really survived, because the world moved on, and DHs simply aren’t as popular.

Trolls however, are a race, not a class or lore concept in that sense. They’ll always be around, so idk if you’d have the same issue. It’s more something to consider while writing guild stories.

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Not to discredit your intentions, but were you aware of the many Troll-centric guilds that are active already on the server?

Here’s a link to a central post that links to several of the Troll communities out there:

You may want to explore one of those guilds? It’s far easier to join an existing group instead of trying to start one up yourself amongst an already saturated population.

However if you still intend to start one of your own, my best of wishes to you in your endeavour! :ok_hand:

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Thank you I will look into these! I appreciate this info!

If you want a unifying the tribes theme, there is Shadowtusk Clan, which are probably the biggest, oldest active troll guild on the server, and there’s Zandali Dominion, an excellent guild that specifically states a goal of unifying the tribes as one of their defining traits as a guild.


well then I might just have to give you all a look see. Is there a website or anything like that?

You can find any one of us in the Trolls of Azeroth Discord,