Interracial dating

that isn’t interacial they are both elves the same race, half human half elves half human anything or half elf anything or half tauren anything is disgusting its not interacial its inter species.

EXACTLY someone who gets it

To be fair, IRL we are the only sentient race we are aware of, and the only one on our planet. Humans bred with other human variants and even things as far off as orangutans way back when.

and of all those people they are the execptions to the case all of the other of those kind are literally outcasts and undesireables moknathals were slave race literally made by ogres. the half elves live less longer than elves and sometimes even humans half draenei half orcs are also outcasts garona is one of the tiny minority of execptionst to any notaraity they are the 1/100000 cases.

im not saying others varrients of a race such as humans with humans im sayin I am against humans with elves who literally are completely different species that I am against.

And you do realize this is a fantasy game right? There are plenty of examples of half races already in the story. Garona Halforcen (real creative name blizz) is half orc half draenei. Rhonin has half elf twin children, etc.


if it wasn’t for the shadow counsel garona wold have been killed off. half human half elves have human life spans and more often than not all the defects of both elves and humans. with only a tiny few rare execptions specially when it comes to extremely long line of magic users on both sides even than its rare.

Mixed breeds of things like dogs and cats suffer the same fate. They are the same species, so I fail to see the consistency of your argument.

its an abomination humans and elves are not the same race or spiecies irl such things would be a crime, its just vile.

I dont think such a relationship IRL would be considered vile assuming that the offspring are healthy. We have humans who mix breeds of other animals as well, like a cow that gave birth to a yack, an elephant that gave birth to a mammoth, what about Ligers and other mixed species? Humans actively experiment in this field today.

let me put it in a way you can understand. humans and elves interbreeding is the same as apes and humans interbreeding its vile disgusting immoral and shouldn’t be.

So you are calling elves feral. Got it.

no. I will never agree with you on this 1 because you are 100% wrong 2 I am 100% correct and 3 it is evil for them to interbreed its worse than trying to make different animals of completely different species to breed like monkeys with horses that’s an example of how immoral and disgusting this inter race marrying and breeding in azeroth its not ok and anyone whos ok with it is just not an ok person IMO

Your first two points dont really count, but I agree with your third. However, monkeys and horses are not sentient, and can not actively make that choice themselves.

So are you telling me if aliens came down to earth you wouldn’t think “I wanna get busy with that”? I feel sad for you.

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Especially if they were Like the Avatar people or the Draenei <3

1 and 2 you are wrong I am right now drop it .

Well… from various versions of the Warcraft lore we have… High Elf/Human, Orc/Ogre, Orc/Draenei, Orc/Draenei/Human, Orc/Human, Goblin/Gnome…

So… we could start with some of those.

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This is really hilarious.

Seriously depends on how hot they are-- Look like a Facehugger? I’ll have to take hard pass and stuff a grenade in their mouths.