Internal mail database error

Cannot send mail between my alts on Whisperwind.

*add to: seems the error is coming from trying to send Darkmoon Faire items.

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I experienced this same error today on this character when trying to mail Darkmoon Faire tincture/draught items (e.g. Darkmoon Tincture of Precision) from this character to other characters. I just obtained the tinctures from the DMF fishing pool crates. I was able to successfully mail the DMF Darkmoon Daggermaws I had caught to another character without this error.

Tried /reloading as well as a full logout and login. Also tried disabling all addons. Tried placing the tincture in my bank and then back into my bag before mailing. This did not fix the issue.

I have other tinctures/draughts previously obtained (e.g. before patch 8.1) that I’ve recently mailed between characters without issue.

Edit: I went back to the faire, bought a Darkmoon Tincture of Alacrity from the vendor (instead of fishing it up) on a different character, and still experienced the same error when trying to mail it.

Edit #2: You can’t place these items in a guild bank either. However, no error is displayed when you try. It just doesn’t move from your bags to the bank.

I had an internal database error today when I tried to send a trillium bar to an alt. I don’t think I’d seen that before. I reloaded ui and then the mail worked normally. Whatever is happening, it might not just be darkmoon items.

I’ve been experiencing the same bug this week. I cannot mail any Darkmoon tinctures/draught items as well. I’ve tried reloading the UI to no avail. I suspect since they changed them to have a set duration now (7 days listed on the items) that the game thinks they are conjured items and will not allow them to be mailed/traded to other characters.


I see the duration line on the potion now. What a ridiculous, undocumented change if it’s intended. If it’s not intended, what a ridiculous bug.


A 7-day duration on an item that’s only obtainable once a month? What a fun-sucker Blizzard has become!

Well, for what it’s worth, so far it doesn’t seem like those 7 days ever start. Count the blessings. 8| (Also knock on wood in case they are supposed to run out. <.< >.>) Likely this change was put in to get all those draughts and tinctures off the AH. (I figure the duration prevents them from being auctionable.)

I had this error and submitted a trouble ticket. After a couple or rounds with tech support I hit someone who informed me than in patch 8.1 the darkmoon portions were changed so they could not be sold or transferred between characters. I am watching and it seems the 7 day duration might be applied to potions/ tinctures etc picked up since the patch.

Thankfully, this issue seems to be fixed now. Today I was able to mail DMF elixirs to other characters and put them in a guild bank. However, the item itself still has a duration line.

Not for me. I see the 7 day duration…that’s been there for a couple of months maybe…but I can’t mail or GB them. Yet, I see some of these tinctures and draughts up on the AH.

This would be exciting if my mage got Dodge, and Parry as a new skills.

This is the kind of thing I report to prospective players.

Yeah, as reported by you and someone in another thread some people still seem to be experiencing the bug. I’ve repeated my testing and confirmed I no longer have issues mailing old or new elixirs. Seems weird it would be inconsistent.

Doh, this tripped me up too.

This same error is now generated with the Love is in the Air perfumes and colognes. They do not have a duration listed but do say they require the holiday event.

Regardless, a more descriptive error should be provided for these items if they are not intended to be mailed.

I’m having this problem with the Love Fools as well…

Not only can I not send these potions to my bank toon, The described effects don’t actually do anything. I tried all the potions that add a stat and none of my stats changed. The ones that say they increase size DID increase size but did not affect stats at all.

I am having this same problem now on June 6th 2019. It just started. I shut down all my add ons to be sure but am stil unable to sell, mail or place in the guild bank. While there are some in the guild bank from last month from when I was able to deposit them. I can only put them in my own bank.