Internal Auction Error

Is this EVERY going to get fixed? We had it all of classic and now it’s still in TBC. We know it’s from a legion part of the client cause it’s never happen till that expansion started.

NO, it will not get fixed. Not as long as it’s just a rumor. Not as long as you say “something is wrong – fix it”. No dev on earth can “fix” that.

WHAT doesn’t work? WHEN do you get an error? WHAT do you do, that causes an internal error? WHAT is the error number? Give enough detail that the dev can make that error happen. If the dev can make it happen, the dev can fix it. If not, the dev can’t. Step 1 in bug-fixing is “reproducing the bug”. That means the dev making it happen on HIS computer.

That’s simply false. In Classic I used the auction house about 45,000 times and I NEVER got an internal error. So “we” did not “have this”. What were you doing, that I was not doing?

Or are you just making things up, to attack Blizzard?

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im sure the lv. 40 uses the AH 45,000 times maybe posting that wool cloth one at a time no wonder the thing is broken.

I’m sure the lvl 13 doesn’t have anything worth selling.

Do you see how easy and nonsensical it is to base your argument on forum avatars?

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man blizzard wasting all that time on an AH that has no bug’s or problems the lv. 14 and and 40 said so

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