Interface -> Raid Profiles option gone

The Raid Profiles option under Interface Options is gone for me. I have turned off all addons, even though the UI addon I use doesn’t change the Blizzard raid panels, and the problem persists.

Even when I’m just in a party, there are no party frames. There’s no widget on the side of the screen to open and click Show/Hide, either. Short of reinstalling the whole game, I’ve tried everything.

I have tried Scan and Repair already, too. Any ideas?

Turning them off isn’t the same as a proper reset. I’d give that a go.

sigh I completely forgot about doing this, and I normally do. Just got flustered. Anyway, the complete reset worked; the Raid Profiles option is back.


Hello, I am having the same problem. I removed all addons and addon apps and renamed my cache, interface, and WTF file to include the word “old,.” as instructed. Still, I cannot see the collapsible party frames menu in the upper left corner of the screen for any character. Any other solutions you can recommend?

You need to be in a raid and be the leader or an assistant.

Thank you for clarifying. Last question, how do you adjust the layout of your frames outside of a raid? I was hoping to move my frames away from the upper left side of the screen to the bottom center. Is it possible to do so? Once again, thanks for the help!

Hello, same issue here, even after a full reset. I’m currently having to use Healbot for a full raid UI in lieu of the in game version not working.

Use this macro script

/run EnableAddOn("Blizzard_CompactRaidFrames")
/run EnableAddOn("Blizzard_CUFProfiles")

what is the CUFProfiles? just curious


The default raid frame profiles.

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thank you
10 char

You are the Man/Woman/Person! This was a perfect solution after many frustrating hours of trying with interface cache & wtf folders. If you were near, I would take you out to dinner!


works for me. Tyvm!!

Please read the forum guidelines, particularly about SPAM. “Me too” and “Still works” is not a valid reason for resurrecting a years old post.

Thanks so much!

My hero, that worked great!