Well damnit, thats my pallies favorote mount for rarenss now a days. But I hope they update graphics atleast.
It’s not rare. It was on the shop for two months. And everyone who got it during the promotion.
Just means you get to save Tender and they don’t.
Interesting. Well, atleast we’ll be able to reobtain it in the game with the trading post instead of adding it back in the cash shop.
Nah it wont, since they had it on shop for a limited time they wont put it on TP
We’ve known this since the Trading Post was announced…
It’s marked as such on the 10.1.5 PTR. The Guardian transmog set was store first, Trading Post later. There’s precedent.
They already recently had it in the shop, no? This is…acceptable.
How is it a idiotic response? Back when they put it on the shop the fine print said “will return as a trading post mount”
You don’t have to spend 800 tokens for a mount now for next months catalogue and it could now be spent on some cool transmog set or a battle spoon staff
Anyone owning the mount prior don’t have to have internal conflict when debating between the mount or something else cool
TL/DR have a nice day.
That mount was just in the shop, hopefully there will be some other mount on trading post. Preferably old ZG tiger.
I’ve had it sense the Diablo 3 tie in a decade ago so I don’t really care one way or another about the mount itself, but I am interested to see if the other recent twitch drops get added.
From you? I agree.
It’s a fact that it wasn’t rare due to the tons of us who did the promotion and then the two months it spent on the shop.
Its value to you shouldn’t change.
Tl/DR/Get wiped.
Good to know you are incapable of a conversation. Enjoy your night.
You can also get it for free if you hunt the little dudes!
saw that
Slow your roll over here, being a jerk to someone for no reason at all.
Maybe put your little pants on and take yourself back to Reddit.
DA/DC get wiped.
TL/DR enjoy your night.