If it is indeed true what the strings say, it looks like player housing will be fully customizable like Wildstar and Final Fantasy are. Which is awesome
Anyone else excited about the information and what it may mean going forward?
If it is indeed true what the strings say, it looks like player housing will be fully customizable like Wildstar and Final Fantasy are. Which is awesome
Anyone else excited about the information and what it may mean going forward?
I suppose this is expected - Player Housing is a feature that’s been anticipated for a long time, and it strongly invites comparison to other MMOs that have it. Releasing a notably inferior system - pre-furnished homes with just a couple of customizable trophy slots, for instance - would have been worse than releasing nothing at all.
That said, I’m not sure I’ll engage with it much. ESO has an extremely robust decorating system for its housing and I’ve never really done more than pop in and fiddle with it for a few minutes at a time. Who knows, though, maybe it’ll grab me.
(You can be sure the moneymen over at Blizzard are pissing themselves with glee right now, though. Decorating is a microtransaction goldmine.)
We’ll see how it’s implemented.
I’m not going to be interested until I can get spooky housing for my many undead. Need at least a fancy crypt, mad science lab and desecrated church.
WoW has actually shown a lot of restraint in introducing things to the Trading Post instead of cash shop.
Granted, $90 for a mount, but eh hand gestures, fart noises, sobbing, the Contra intro theme, dial-up modem twangs, more sobbing.
I am… Hesitant with player housing. My main concern are house “types” that will be available.
Will Alynsa have to live in an orc-themed house? A human-themed one? Will there be more than just those two options? I’m still feeling burned by Garrisons being default human and default orc.
Where will these houses be? Will we be stuck going to an instance portal where all houses are? Will these be group areas where a bunch of houses are? Will I get a seperate “house hearthstone”? How much gold is this obvious gold sink gonna cost? Will this be FF XIV-style limited plots?
I wish we had some kind of… Anything regarding information, because again the Garrisons kinda make it hard to trust that it’ll be good.
OPULENT? Oh man, I gotta see how that looks, hopefully Den of Mortal Delights or Karazhan/Greymane Manor?
im just glad we can collect something other than the 1000th mount or battle pet
Besides the very valid concerns you have, as I have them too. My other big concern is housing decorations.
Will they be available to EVERYONE or is blizz going to pull their usual BS and bury the majority of them behind raids and Mythic dungeons with super low drop rates?
There’s more ways for them to screw this up badly than for them to get it right
I’m expecting to see easy to collect decorations such as from a vendor (faction-based and neutral), basic stuff for the most part. I’m also expecting more prestigious decorations, so to speak, from dungeons and raids. Some being drops here and there out in the world wouldn’t be unexpected. That’s basically how SWTOR handles their decos along with their cartel market.
I wouldn’t mind that at all, if that’s the route they end up going. I’m just worried is all, knowing blizz and all
Oh, I get it. Trust me. Blizz does have a habit of taking a great idea and making it a pain in the butt instead.
I’m extremely concerned about the theming but as far as space I assume it’s going to be instanced. In that Christmas Sons of Lothar comic, Alleria and Kurdran used some arcane keys to teleport to the place where everyone was meeting. My guess is that was a tease for the “house hearthstone”.
But yeah I’m very concerned that I’m going to be locked into a human or orc building.
Yes I’m very excited as someone on a RP server, this is gonna be great.
The opposite. In my experience, player housing leads to players hanging out in their houses with their buddies, and the shared world being depopulated.
To be fair that’s already a thing. Most people only hang out with guildies or friends as it is
Yeah, but at least they’re visible.
I guess. Still makes the world feel dead. But thats my opinion
I dont know about all this, but my only desite is to have it close to water so I can fish, and a place to display a fishing pole as a trophy.
I totally understand this concern based on Blizzard’s past track record, but given that this feature is scheduled to release alongside the Quel’thalas expansion, I think Blood Elves are probably the one race that can feel pretty safe.
We need $100,000 worth of Auction House mounts parked outside of the Auction House to make the game feel alive.