“Aside from a complete itemization refresh from season to season, our hope is for the dungeon gameplay itself to feel fresher, and like a new set of puzzles for the community to solve each season. We’ve seen really mixed (often negative) experiences in the past when we add brand new dungeons into an existing pool of dungeons that the community has already mastered, and try to set them up as equivalent in terms of difficulty and rewards. And while the hardcore M+ community may not experience this issue firsthand, it’s hard to overstate how daunting it can be for someone to try to get into M+ PUGs or try a new role like tanking for the first time deep in an expansion, when the established community is largely focused on routing micro-optimizations and time-saving tech, and groups likely assume complete baseline knowledge of all boss mechanics, positioning, target priority, and so forth.”
As someone that doesn’t play current content anywhere close to others, I feel this comment. I totally understand how important it is to those that play a lot that there be more mechanics for trash, etc. to keep dungeon runs fresh after the 30th run, but it’s super daunting for new folks, especially tanks. Watching a YouTube guide for a dungeon is crazy overwhelming, especially when you get into the tiny details like how a trash mob may cast two interruptible spells: one is weak and one is strong. I totally get how that’s a great mechanic for folks pushing KSM…not so great for those of us that are happy to confidently get up to +6s by the end of the expansion.
No, I meant to link Petitdalf’s thread about the number of new dungeons in the season 1 rotation and Ion’s response.
I really resonated with Ion’s comments about how overwhelming it can be for a lot of players just to learn all of the dungeons (routes, trash abilities, boss abilities, and associated strats).
I would love to start tanking. However I have put it off because it’s a bit daunting at this point in the expac. Personally I would love to see something like a tanking school or a healer school to bring more people into those specs. Basically a series of scenarios that us our abilities that we can go through as many times as we want to master mechanics, cooldowns, routes, etc. Tutorial style but one that progresses through difficulty.
Totally understand the anxiety of trying tanking late in an xpac. I like the idea previously discussed in other Forums about being able to do dungeon runs with sims. I think that would accomplish exactly what you’re looking for: gives you a feel for the dungeon, mob and boss abilities, but without the social pressure of other players.
I will say this: I’ve had good experiences putting in chat at the beginning of the run that I’m new to tanking or new to the dungeon. Rarely does anyone leave or say anything inappropriate.
If you’re looking for good tanking resources, below are my two favs:
Sorry, but that’s only for a niche group of players and not the majority. Pugging, which most people do, is a nightmare because of mechanics, on top of mechanics, and so on. This isn’t good and 5 man’s aren’t raids.