oh i would ADORE being part of an Illidari guild. it feels like we’ve all just been kinda scattered all over the place lately, and even if it is too much edge in one place, i’m here for the drama.
besides, we kinda needed some sort of stand-in leader while Illidan’s extremely preoccupied at the moment anyway. maybe if there’s enough interest, we could do an in-character meetup somewhere to bicker- i mean, calmly discuss who would be in charge, so to say.
It would be funny if, just like how Sargeras being gone led to the Burning Legion devolving into disorganized infighting, a similar thing happened to us demon hunters now that our central figure is also gone for the forseeable future.
Though I think it’d also be neat if the new job of the Demon Hunters was to ensure that a new leader of demonkind never rises to rally the Burning Legion into an organized army ever again: by assassinating key figures and stoking rivalries between groups of demons, stuff like that!
I have a Demon Hunter very much unlikely to join any of the other guilds I’m in, and she’s particularly hardcore about keeping demons from rising up from their little power vacuum to fill the void left by the Burning Legion.
She is a RP alt so do not expect content from her.
My demon hunter ICly cut ties with the Illidari, so I can’t be counted as someone who would join, but I think this is a really good idea with a lot of potential.
I never even thought of it like that. Yeah, there’s a chance for a lot of potential for guilds based on cross-faction in-universe organizations like that.
It really is fantastic that we’re finally–after all this time–getting cross-faction guilds.
Sure; the implementation could be better. Evolution will be apart of the concept, though; so it’s positive all the same.
Our guild–which is an Illidari guild–will be taking advantage of x-faction guilds wholeheartedly. And I’m excited to see the future Ebon Blade, Pandaren, Argent Crusade, etc… guilds that come along soon, too.