Interest Check-Loa Reverence bi-monthly meeting (Seeking Loa-Speakers)

Howdy all,

I’m curious as to how many people would be interested in this sort of thing, so I’d like to get some feedback on how I would see this going.

The Premise

A bi-monthly event that brings non-maligned Loa worshippers together with a dual theme. The first day of the month would be like a welcoming and proclamation of what one wishes or commits to doing by their Loa. It doesn't have to be anything big. The second day would be held near the end of the month as a time of closing and reflection that can also serve as a story telling section.

Tentative Info so far

___ ___
Date 9/22
Time(MG/WRA): 7pm/5pm
Server/Area WRA / Gurubashi Arena, Cape of Stranglethorn


I’ve underestimated nature this summer, so I’m pressed for time handling other things and feel this would be best moved to Sept 1st or Sept 2nd, and then the 22nd or 23rd. The target event time is 5pm Server Time (PST).
NOTE: With Zuldazar potentially being broken with phasing issues EVEN MORE this patch, I’ve taken a look around and Gurubashi Arena will likely be the event site right on the entrance ramp. So no worries about getting flagged!

I’ve written out more about what the structure of the rising event will look like:

The Gathering Voices
A high energy gathering, where all that praise the Loa raise their voices to gain notice and favor.

  • Opening Speech-
    Importance of the Loa, unity, and balance.
  • Invocation of the Loa-
    A call to the Loa that will be primarily recognized this event, though there will be a part for all loa to be invoked.
  • Earth-bound Blessings-
    There is one unifying trait that all Loa have: They share the earth of Azeroth. Using special stone and wood tablets, those seeking blessings may come forward to proclaim the Loa they seek to honor for a boon, and mark a tablet with their hand print.
  • End-
    Closing speech, mingle

The Closing Reverie
A more low relaxed atmosphere and tone. Those that took the earth-bound blessing may seek a speaker for confirming their success, or as they tell a tale (if they choose to).

  • Opening Speech-
    Reflection and observing the month’s departure
  • Tales of Passage-
    A storyblock time for those present to share of their triumphs and struggles
  • Invocation of the Loa and End-
    A reminder of those celebrated and looking towards the next month. Mingle etc

Additionally, I’d like to do something a -little- fancy for the invocation of the loa. At least in The Gathering Voice event. I’m looking for people interested in helping to that end, and those that would like to be speakers/priests of the loa for the invocation.

Loa Speakers Being Sought for

  • Zanza
  • Gral
  • Torga
  • Quetz’lun

September’s theme follows the idea of wisdom and change, so these Loa have been selected thus far for this reason.

NOTE: This is intended to be a Neutral Event, so I’m not looking for aid from characters that can’t put hostilities aside at all.

In-game Community for summons, invites, and calendar reminders:

Light Venting

It didn’t want to let me link the community this time what hec fdlknglfdkngflknsdfldknf :boom:


Scaletrader Post would actually be a relatively good set up for this since it is a neutral sight.

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I would be down for this!

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That’s a nice spot I’ve used for campaigns before. I think there’s a very, very minor chance for some phasing but I that was before cross faction grouping iirc. I’ll check this one out!

Bumping this for more eyes,

I’m thinking of doing some impromptu related stuff in valdrakken and org in the next few weeks (on Kholwa) . Loa readings, stories, etc.

Posting and update to this that I’ll add to the original post soon.

The place choices are looking to be between the old blackmarket AH spot in Dazar’alor, as it’s now empty and there’s a summon stone nearby, and Xibala. The con to this is that alliance friends summoned by said stone may get attacked thanks to the amount of flagged for pvp island expedition teams nearby. The summon stone out in Xibala doesn’t have this issue.

I’ll be aiming for the first friday or saturday of August, and then the last friday or saturday of the month, likely around 5 or 6pm WRA time. I’m still thinking about where to move to in Orgrimmar and Valdrakken when I start those related events.

If you’re interested in an in-game calendar reminder as this all gets settled, you can join the neutral community here:

Or search The Packtari Post Board in the community finder.

The Speaker’s Step in Tal’gurub is totally empty and would make for a great location as well. It’s the area where we kill Vol’jamba in the Zuldazar quests.

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This would be super cool to see. I’m of the mind that there should be more open world RP outside of Orgrimmar and Stormwind.

BFA may not be the most fondly remembered expansion, but it gave us some incredibly beautiful new zones and wonderfully fleshed out cities.

More RP in Dazar’alor and Boralus, please! :sweat_smile:

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Dazar’alor definitely needs more love for what it does have, I do think it needs a lot of behind the scenes work on phasing and giving that zone the non-crz treatment that most old zones have on rp realms.

That said, Panjya and I were checking out some other places in Zuldazar, which is also super lovely, and there’s a very accessible place right outside the instance portal for King’s Rest that I think I’m settling on!

(also yes +1 to Boralus rp, I mean come there’s a puppy and kitty store there! I also had some great neutral rp there during BfA after finding some spots that didn’t flag me for pvp.)

So you meant semi-monthly rather than bi-monthly?

Bi monthly means twice a month or once every two months.

easy way to remember the difference: a bicycle has two wheels, not half a wheel.

Bi-monthly can mean twice a month or once every two months depending on context. It’s both. English sucks nothing matters and everything is made up :melting_face:

Uh, well I hoped there was enough context to show it’s twice a month and not every two months. I did check to make sure i was using the word right, like english might be my native language but I’m around my non-native speaking family and friends enough that things will rub off. Which…

These are the kinds of English Sucks things I’ve had to explain to family before, when they ask for spelling and such.

An update, which will go in the op post once this is EDITED (dumb double clicking mouse).
I’ve underestimated nature this summer, so I’m pressed for time handling other things and feel this would be best moved to Sept 1st or Sept 2nd, and then the 22nd or 23rd. The target event time is 5pm Server Time (PST).

I’ve written out more about what the structure of the rising event will look like:

The Gathering Voices
A high energy gathering, where all that praise the Loa raise their voices to gain notice and favor.

  • Opening Speech-
    Importance of the Loa, unity, and balance.
  • Invocation of the Loa-
    A call to the Loa that will be primarily recognized this event, though there will be a part for all loa to be invoked.
  • Earth-bound Blessings-
    There is one unifying trait that all Loa have: They share the earth of Azeroth. Using special stone and wood tablets, those seeking blessings may come forward to proclaim the Loa they seek to honor for a boon, and mark a tablet with their hand print.
  • End-
    Closing speech, mingle

The Closing Reverie
A more low relaxed atmosphere and tone. Those that took the earth-bound blessing may seek a speaker for confirming their success, or as they tell a tale (if they choose to).

  • Opening Speech-
    Reflection and observing the month’s departure
  • Tales of Passage-
    A storyblock time for those present to share of their triumphs and struggles
  • Invocation of the Loa and End-
    A reminder of those celebrated and looking towards the next month. Mingle etc

Additionally, I’d like to do something a -little- fancy for the invocation of the loa. At least in The Gathering Voice event. I’m looking for people interested in helping to that end, and those that would like to be speakers/priests of the loa for the invocation.

This is intended to be a Neutral Event, so I’m not looking for aid from characters that can’t put hostilities aside at all.


Lahil can speak all about the Tidemother.
I also have another character that reveres the wild God Lord Renard.

I’m not opposed to characters being present as speakers for “loa-like” beings, and the invocation has a portion for recognizing all (read as: Not Hakkar types) Loa, including ones that are perceived first as Wild Gods or other divinities like Mu’sha. (This is basically telling the crowd “raise your voice for the Loa you seek”)

Though I think this is a good time clarify that I’d like to keep the main invocation for the known Loa first, there’s a lot of them and a few from the rpg manual are set to become canon, I think I heard?

If you want an idea of what the invocation would be like, you can check out the Loa Speaker npcs like Kur’taji, Joo’li, Zako, etc for their speeches regarding their Loa during their hourly ritual at the Great Seal. I don’t plan for those that are a part of the main invocation to have more than about 3-4 posts, depending on how many Loa are being recognized at the time.

Aren’t Loa and Wild Gods the same thing?

The name is used more interchangeably for a god like being from the troll side, but no. I mean we don’t exactly hear of mortals becoming wild gods without direct Titan intervention, iirc. Nor their power being linked to the faith of their followers, among other differences.

I see, well i guess i cant really do it then.