Interact Icons very large

Is there a way to reduce the size of the icons? On my screen they are massive even at 75% UI Scale. 2 examples below. Delete space and add . to see the images. Couldn’t post links.

https:// imgur com/D6tqNoO
https:// imgur com/Gu0hOLw

Wrap them in code tags `link` or the </> button in the UI.

You can disable the icons entirely via Options > Accessibility > General > Interact Key Icons but I’m not aware of a way to shrink them.

Adjusting the Options > Accessibility > General > Cursor Size might also do something.

Thanks for replying. I have tried the resizing the cursor, but that only does the cursor. Seems the Interact Icons only scale from the display resolution. If I play at 4k they are resized to much smaller. However, I prefer to play at 1080p which makes them large.

I’m not sure if you or anyone else reading this is still having the same issue but I found that I had to switch into windowed mode from full screen and that seemed to fix it.