Intentional Imbalance

Streamer two weeks ago: “The Most BROKEN Spec In WoW DF 10.0.7 (RET REWORK)”
Same streamer yesterday: “Ret Rework Is Absurdly Broken And Fun! - Dragonflight Arena”

This is the same patch that glacial spike was nerfed because it was chunking too much health in one hit. These problems with ret have been known via the PTR for weeks now. Yet they still go live, and remained unfixed. The question is why?

The Zskera Vaults were supposed to this patch’s method of maintaining MAU. Instead, after primordial gems were (aptly) nerfed for PvP, FOTM alts/rerollers have partially filled that void. This is either intentional imbalance, or incompetent design.

While this hype may increase short-term interest via social media trends and in-game metrics, it undermines long-term subscriber stability by creating mistrust towards the development team, regardless of whether this is intentional or not. Most reasonable people will either feel manipulated, or invest less time in the spec(s) they truly enjoy, respectively.


I don’t think we’ll ever get an honest answer, unless you know someone who works at Blizzard and is willing to answer honestly. Allowing ret to stay unchecked is absolutely hurting the game. Am I playing a ret? Yeah, honestly I wish this would get the nerf bat 3 days ago.

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My guess is management is pushing for these deadlines as they see subscriber count diminish, and the team working on reworks and new content are inexperienced due to the years of constantly diverting resources from wow to other games and the shifting of staff. The level of incompetenece is apparent though.

I was hoping that microsoft would buy blizzard sooner and make the many necessary changes to its structure so we had a good solid MMO again.


I’m sure it’s on purpose to a degree. They know ret is OP and it will drive a ton of interest short term, then they’ll nerf it and move on to the next thing. They’ve been wildly irresponsible with balance changes and have made progression feel near meaningless for many classes. PvP is great if you have all the time on the world and enjoy rolling FotM, but the way it affects everyone else who doesn’t want to / can’t play that way is borderline criminal and seems to have gotten completely out of control. I hope people are fed up and start to quit for real, that’s the only thing that would potentially inspire any change for the better.

Looking forward to the “we wanted to see how things played out” post in 2 weeks when they start nerfs even though they already knew how busted it was.

We’re all just being manipulated so they can keep making their $$ while putting as little effort into quality as possible. No clearer evidence than the countless bugs that haven’t been addressed since DF day one while they prioritize these things.


Just the way the game goes

It might be time to find another game :hourglass:

Well we knew coming in to this ret was gonna be absurdly balanced. Over the top. It’s like this…::imagine a runway. Now imagine blizz always landing before the runway or missing and landing after it. They rarely land the plane on the actual runway. They don’t have the skill or the professionalism to do it. Not since ion took over and that’s a fact

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It’s true, they make certain specs op for a certain amount of time. Pallys, then DH, then Locks, then warrior, back to pally. They are doing this to keep playing the game. In the history of wow can you ever remember a time they have manipulated classes on an almost bi weekly bases?


Always great to burn a Pally down to execute range then he tops himself to full with a wog.

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Because there is a significant percentage of the player population prone to re-rolling the new FOTM class. So, they create new FOTMs, and get these players back on the treadmill… or even better, paying for boosts.

Real balance, players don’t re-roll… don’t pay for boosts… does not fit into Blizzards business model.


This guy knows the score.

It’s by design. It’s about getting and achieving token sales. Buy those carry’s boys!! Tokens and carry’s. It’s not about anything else

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I just want to do some BGs, but I’m not logging back on until this is fixed. Looking at other (non-ABK) games in the meantime.

conspiracy theory here:

ive noticed token prices have skyrocketed in gold meaning ppl arent using real $ to pay for wow subs. blizz throwing a (temporary) lure to fool the fish at the cost of the pvper’s sanity

I don’t think there’s any design instead a lack of resources and pve class tuning. I don’t trust Blizzard the company but I think most of the developers are trying but fighting budgets and directives.

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No decent dev balances based on clickbait youtube videos.

Lol you really think people making videos about how Ret is broken are just doing it for clicks? There are people climbing into elite range on solo shuffle ladder that never even made it out of combatant but now apparently are elite players.


I don’t know whether to laugh or cry that someone really believes this crap.

This part is silly to mention, I can’t see why one wouldn’t do so for the views while all the kiddies are in a tift over it.

but it gets a lot of paid boosts